Character Sheet for Gilthiss
Gilthiss works hard so she can play hard. For her, the "work" part often involves stealth, scouting, and the like. The "play" part often involves, drinking, gambling, and brawling. Lizardfolk indulge heavily in things they find pleasurable, and Gilthiss is no exception.
Her loyalty is to captain and crew first, coin second, and most other things third or lower.
Someday, she would like to captain her own ship.
While lizardfolk typically live in swamps, some of their innate abilities (adept swimming and holding their breath for up to 15 minutes) often come in handy in an ocean setting. It's for this reason that her captain hired her from a very young age. She was practically raised onboard a ship otherwise full of humans and humanoids This upbringing has developed her way of thinking into something of a hybrid between that of a lizardfolk and that of a common humanoid.
Her captain's investment paid off, especially considering how quickly lizardfolk reach maturity. More than just a few times, she's been able to sneak aboard a ship, steal valuables, and slink right off with no one being the wiser. On the other hand, if there does happen to be a conflict, Gilthiss is fully capable of holding her own in a fight. The cold and detached ruthlessness of a lizardfolk's way of thinking, the "utility and survival first, sentiment never" mindset they have, translates quite well into a pirate's life.
Gilthiss was removed from her blood family at so young an age, she has little memory of them, and even if she did, she lacks the innate sentiment to feel any connection with them. Her real family is the crew among which she grew up--though she may feel only slightly more sentiment toward them.
Dungeons & Dragons, pretty standard 5e stuff. Gilthiss would mostly be at home in an ocean setting if I ever got to use her.
A little slender for a lizardfolk, but still well-muscled. Her coloration can best be described as a sort of "seafoam green" with a lighter underside and dark stripes. Her spines along her back are blue.
Studded leather armor, off-white pants, and a red overcoat.
A shark tooth necklace. Once, while fishing, a shark stole a catch that was to be Gilthiss's dinner. She dove in after it and killed it herself. The shark then became dinner, and one of its teeth hangs on her neck.