Name: Kherr Gender/Sex: Male Age: 28 (Earth years) Height: 6'7" (204.216 cm) Weight: 530 lbs. (240.404 kg) Scale Color: White w/ prismatic sheen
Abilities: Shapeshifting, telekenesis/psychokinesis, and breathing/manipulating mulitple powers (fire, air, water, earth, and electricity).
Likes: Video games, technology (computers & audio), electronic styled music (techno, electronica, dubstep, chiptunes, etc), driving, dank memes, and Pokemon (especially Mewtwo).
Dislikes: Rude/disrespectful people/attitudes, political discussion, religious discussion, passive aggresiveness, and asparagus/brussels sprouts.
Sexuality: Straight
Kherr has lived on Earth all his life, albeit in a dimension parallel to our own. From a very young age he has had a knack for video games and technology and when he's not either at work or playing a game of some kind he's working on 3D modeling, music creation, or just simply browsing the web. Kherr has some strict morals in place and lives by his own code and he tries to be incredibly respectful of everyone around him.
When Kherr was 13 he started dicovering he had a few special powers that most of those around him did not have - namely shapeshifting, having the ability to breathe or manipulate multiple different things at whim instead of just fire as is standard for most dragons he'd encountered, and mind reading/mind control. When he discovered he could play inside the minds of others (including inserting his own mind and controlling their bodies directly) he quickly decided to never use those abilities unless something extreme were to require it (to which has never happened). Finally, he discovered he could move objects with his mind and that has been a major ability in use during daily life.
As an adult Kherr went to college for computers and holds a couple of certifications in his field. He currently works as an IT Techinican for a major corporation, but despite all of this he is severely underpaid for his position and job responsibilites. Frequently he dreams of owning his own IT business, however due to the demanding nature of his position he is unable to attend further college nor save money towards making that dream a reality. He continues to hold onto hope that one day he can make it come true.
Finally, Kherr is an unfortunate victim of his own personality - he suffers from anxiety, paranoia, and sleep depravation frequently. One of the main reasons for this is he is a "yes man" and a "people pleaser." Essentially, he struggles to say no to someone under normal circumstances and as a result this has led to him getting used and abused rather frequently, much to his dismay. Despite all of this he remains positive and tries his best to be pleasant for those around him.
Additional Notes:
Kherr's true form is that of a feral dragon, however in order to fit in with society more (and have easy access to work and video games/technology) he typically spends all of his time in anthro form... or as Mewtwo. Considering he can shapeshift at will he can adjust his height, weight, body/muscle mass, and any other features he desires (such as scale/horn/claw/eye color or even gender/sex)... though the figures provided are what define his form 99% of the time. He only goes into feral form in order to travel long distances when not driving, and the remaining part of that 1% of the time he's in some random Pokemon form.
Kherr has a rather high metabolism and as a result he can eat whatever he wants and generally never gains any weight. If any weight is gained, it's quickly lost without any extra activity. Kherr's particular race of dragon can live to be upwards of tens of thousands of years old, however due to his parents having mysteriously disappeared when he was an infant he doesn't know that himself. Kherr spent all of his childhood and into his early teens bouncing from foster home to foster home until he landed with a wonderful german shephard/husky couple into adulthood.
As a result he has a soft spot for german shephards, huskies, and wolves.