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Reply to Cooncub
stuck in the mud
Reply to Cooncub

¿Quien dice que los días grises son tristes? Si son los mas geniales: todos los colores se vuelven mas vivos, no hay sol del cual esconderse, y uno puede ponerlo de pretexto para ir a tomar una taza de café con un amigo.

Biro y Arturo especialmente aman los días grises, y les encanta mojarse, caminando bajo la lluvia. No se puede pedir algo mejor.

Who says that gray days are sad? Gray days are the coolest! all the hues become more vivids, there is no sun and you don't have to hide of it, and it is the perfect pretext for go to take a coffee with a friend.

Biro y Arturo specially love gray days, and they enjoy to get wet, walking in the rain. Can not ask for anything better.

cub 269,698, fox 244,841, furry 116,791, sketch 61,944, raccoon 36,113, art 33,469, wet 30,884, cubs 18,673, little 10,818, child 10,811, city 7,049, pencil 5,079, rough 4,600, day 3,809, kids 3,666, rain 3,503, gray 3,092, walking 2,520, childhood 1,095, raining 612, zorro 455, get 361, days 216, mapache 192, cachorros 187, biro 174, dia 83, arturo 58, gris 40, ciudad 19, artemio 13, niños 12, lloviendo 3, mojada 3, dias 2, llover 2, pequeños 2, mojandose 1, grises 1
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 12 years, 10 months ago
Rating: General

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12 years, 10 months ago
These two are awesome together!  They should play video games sometime:3
12 years, 10 months ago
ow...Biro doesn't play videogames...Biro is one big exception of the world: he doesn't use the computer, play videogames or use cellphone, he doesn't care the technology, he only enjoys his life unplugged.
12 years, 10 months ago
:O  What kind of kid doesn't play video games! That fox doesn't know what he is missing:3  Maybe he can watch his friend play :p
12 years, 10 months ago
He probably doesnt even do drugs then!

seriously tho, nothing? not even a little console game?  gameboy? xD isnt that a bit stubborn? it really feels like he misses out :x I mean I do enjoy camping, and hossa if I dont enjoy heavy snow storms in the middle of the night at felt 10 minus outside of town. or sitting on a mountain xD rain too actually etc. etc.

so why? if I may ask that is, I really dont get it, it really looks like missing out bad :x

ironic that I got that line out of the game mirror`s edge: "sun and blue skye, is this all we get, for living here"

I get that feeling Im horribly insensible right now because I miss something I should know about him...
12 years, 10 months ago
Technology is not all in this world. Let me explain you about the two characters, Art and Biro.
Sounds bad, but they are from different faculties, and fate brought them together.
Art is an autistic boy, he disapproves to everyone, or almost everyone. He's also dumb, but has a great talent with drawing and music. He's a really shy boy, he is not interested in videogames either, but he has played. He would played with Nemorio, a panda guy who lives with him, the Nemorio's brother and his own brother (his brother is a Grizzly bear named Julio).
He found a little kid, two years younger than him, a little fox, Biro. He found on him a guy who is always happy, enjoys his life, loves playing child games, and talks too much. Oposite completally at Art, but not at all, he's not interesting at technology as him. For more than wants to take  a computer machine, it is not interesting for him. He understands how it works, he is too smart, but does not find any real importance, because he considers it as not-real. He prefers real life, do not mind being disconnected from the world, is the least that he cares.
Each one understand at another, that's why they are best friends, they think that anybody in the world has understood them as each others. For Biro is not important that his best friends doesn't say a word, or Art doesn't care that his friend behaves like a mad, they are happy together and enjoy their companionship
12 years, 10 months ago
ah I just thought he was deaf. I research autism (and dumbness xD) so this comes to mind: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/7061778/
but why does biro not consider it real? my point would be humans are natural, so what they create is natural too :x
12 years, 10 months ago
I swear I love that fox. <3
12 years, 10 months ago
Biro says that thank you n__n
12 years, 10 months ago
Cute little fuzzies!
12 years, 10 months ago
*Walks behind them and holds an umbrella over them* n.n
12 years, 10 months ago
they enjoy getting wet, but thank you n__n
12 years, 10 months ago
In that case, they better be prepared for a big splash the next time they walk past a puddle. :3
12 years, 10 months ago
I thought it was really funny that I left this comment the other day and then WildThorne drew this for me. https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=201360
12 years, 10 months ago
wow!! that picture is so great!! :D congrats!! Chase looks so handsome n__n
12 years, 10 months ago
12 years, 10 months ago
Hoy por fin volvió a llover en Zapopan. Fui feliz! :D
12 years, 10 months ago
hehe si, de hecho estube caminando con mi chico por Enrique Diaz y estaba chispeando n__n justamente como esta escena :D
12 years, 10 months ago
Ojalá ahora sí empiece bien la temporada de lluvias :)
12 years, 10 months ago
sip fue bastante raro XP, pero tambien amo caminar bajo la lluvia aunque me regañan en la casa por llegar mojado D:

12 years, 10 months ago
Woooooow!   Me encanta, Paco!  Te quedó genial! ^^.     La verdad es que la lluvia no tiene porque ser tan deprimete como la gente dice, y me gusta mucho la escena. Buen trabajo
12 years, 10 months ago
wrargh muchas muchas gracias, si, yo amo las temporadas de lluvias, principalmente cuando no se tapan los drenajes, porque luego se inunda y no es bonito >.< todos tenemos que estar en botes y las cosas en la casa se arruinan, pero eso es por culpa de la gente que no cuida en tirar basura a la calle y tapan los drenajes. Otra vez el ser humano arruinando lo bello de las situaciones.
Si, me gusta mucho caminar bajo la lluvia y mas cuando no lo hago solo, y ese otro alguien disfruta el momento igual que yo. Justo ayer pasó algo así n__n
12 years, 10 months ago
Hola Paco...

Como te lo he comentado... Estos dibujos en blanco y negro, son G-E-N-I-A-L-E-S...

Me fascinan... Y no por ser grises, pierden su vivacidad... Tienen ese encanto de viejos días, donde la vida era más simple... Esa inocencia de niños, de saber disfrutar lo que es brincar y chapotear bajo la lluvia...

Nuevamente... Excelente dibujo
12 years, 10 months ago
La vida puede seguir siendo simple y feliz, solo hay que buscarla, aún cuando uno se atasca de trabajos, no hay ningun pretexto para poder seguir viviendo, hacerte tus tiempos y salir a hacer lo que uno más disfruta.
12 years, 10 months ago
Ahhh... Eso si... >_<

Nuevamente... Un hermoso dibujo...

12 years, 10 months ago
Hermoso dibujo.
12 years, 10 months ago
Que lindo!
12 years, 10 months ago
está genial el dibujo, yo soy igual que ellos en cuanto que también me gustan los días grises y mojarme, creo que es algo que puedo llegar a disfrutar mucho!
12 years, 10 months ago
igual! me encanta mojarme n__n
lo malo es que después de eso me enfermo u__u como ahorita
12 years, 10 months ago
si ya se es horrible que te enfermes, le quita toda la diversion jeje n_n espero que te mejores pronto, un fuerte abrazo
12 years, 10 months ago
Estoy de acuerdo en especial si uno esta acompanado.
12 years, 10 months ago
si, acompañado es mejor, porque además si hace frio te puede abrazar n__n
12 years, 10 months ago
sip sip, entre otras cosas :3 mucho mejor en todo sentido
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