#3: Loch Ness Monster
And now's the point in every Halloween Countdown where we reach the "no shit" entrees. The ones that everyone saw coming, but appreciated none the less. The ones that are extremely hard to place because each one could take top billing in their own right. Yup, it's that time again and while I really don't like to add to many overtly obvious entrees into my countdowns, there are just times where it's impossible not to and how could I not add Nessie into this? It one of the most renowned Cryptids in the world and one of the first ones I ever learned about. It's so popular that this thing is more well known then the creature it's theorized to be! Seriously, say "Plesiosaur" to someone and chances are you'll be met with a look of total confusion (probably because you up and just said 'Plesiosaur' to a total stranger) but if you say "Nessie", most will immediately get the iconic image of this long since extinct dinosaur in their heads. It's become that ingrained in our minds, it's a part of our culture and has appeared in far too many sources to count. It doesn't matter if it was real or not, it's legend lives on even after sightings have ceased for some time. Plesiosaurs will keep appearing in the media and people will keep calling them "Nessie" and that's why the Loch Ness Monster earns an honorary spot among the top three~
5 years, 4 months ago
29 Oct 2019 05:30 CET
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