Character Sheet for Jument Solitaire
Character Description
Jument stands 64 inches tall at the withers, she is gray in coat with black socks and muzzle, as well as white dappling along her coat. her main and tail are darker gray, while her eyes are white, barely visible is a pupil, she has predatory teeth, that slightly stick out of her muzzle, large nostrils, and very fluffy soft ears.
quite, observant, peaceful unless provoked, and usually kind.
Kelpie dislikes violence, and any vulgar language. She is NOT beneath causing violence if it is to protect the things she cares about. She despises close minded individuals. She dislikes death, even though she herself causes it.
She likes fog, foggy mornings, foggy nights, foggy afternoons, freezing fog, cups of hot liquid that cause fog, the fog of someones breath, fog machines, poems about fog, anything fog based really, and ange.
and fish. they are tasty.
born to a herd of kelpie farther up north near scottland in their homeland waters. Jument never really fit in, her early years were spent learning to hunt from her mother, and how best to trick humans into the water. With new technology getting better at spotting them however, life was harder. Fish helped feed them, but human flesh had dietary and magical properties to it that kelpie needed to sustain themselves.
separated from the herd a few years into her existence with her mother, she'd been living in the biscay bay with her mother ever since.
When her mother was captured by an angry group of fisherman, she pleaded with them to let her mother go. When they refused, she damaged their ship's rudder system, and pushed the trolley boat out to sea, surrounding the boat in turbulent waters.
For two hours she rocked the boat back and forth, the fishermen eventually succumbing to sea sickness and vertigo, the captain begged her to stop. When she refused, he offered to let her mother go.
once free, her mother disappeared, but Jument stayed, surfacing on a nearby rock, she asked the captain why he did what he'd done. He told her that her mother had killed his wife the previous weekend, and she was all he'd had left in the world. in revenge, he'd chummed the waters around their home, angering her mother in an attempt to capture and kill her.
When Jument replied that they hadn't eaten any humans in weeks, The captain became confused. He'd looked her over and found he'd made a mistake, Jument never called him out on it. She said she would be more careful, and that she was sorry for his loss, to which the sailors seemed perplexed.
she wondered why. More into her adult hood she wondered, pondered, and questioned. Her mother never returned after she'd fled. Jument had searched, screaming out across the bay in a mournful cry, hoping to get a reply.
She did not.
Years went by, Jument never went outside the bay, something held her there. It felt like home here, in the bay. The people knew of her, and she learned that if she stayed still and didn't approach, they would eventually leave her be. It was here she learned that they were just as curious about her kind, as she was of them.
On a calm foggy evening, around 7 pm, while she was resting on her rock formation in the outskirts of the bay, she heard shouting. Someone, no, many people were arguing on the docks. She watched the humans at the end of the pier, and to her surprise, one got in a row boat and started coming towards her rock formation.
Worried, she hid in the waters and waited to see what this human would do. when his boat bumped into her rocky outcropping, she watched as fish started dropping into the water, already filleted and cleaned. was this human giving her food?
Sniffing at the scraps, she nibbled some and found them to taste far better then when fresh. After eating the remains and seeing none more coming down she approached the surface, peering her ghostly eyes out at the older man in the boat.
He was calm, smiling as he waved. Unsure of what to do, she waited. The old man stood and slowly disrobed, leaving his skin bare to her save his groin, blocked by a cloth. He said many things to her, things about life, things about death, and things held for the future, but the most profound thing he said, was that he was offering himself to her.
to "appease the waters" as he said, and Jument found him to be disturbed in the mind for this, something was wrong with this human. To her horror, he then bowed to her and without prompting slipped into the waters with her.
She did not like how her predatory instincts shot to the forefront so quickly. She'd heard the crowd gasp in horror, shouts of fear rang up and Jument decided she didn't want this human in her waters. She bit his leg and hauled him back to shore, tossing him to the dock with a snarl. the people seemed pleased and thanked her.
why? she did not know.
a year later she met agne, a young man.
her mother, presumed gone.
her father, unknown, never met.
no known siblings.
see character description
sometimes wears shells, or jewelry dropped in the water by humans.