waip je sais pas pourquoi je vois cette poney comme une geek à fond dans un bordel science-fiction, qui explore des dimensions improbables, là elle atterrit dans un endroit sans rien, respirable, un peu comme 2001 l'oddyssée de l'espace ( la vache c'est dimache j'ai du mal à taper bourré) un peu comme si elle se serait barrée du cartoon officiel.
waip je sais pas pourquoi je vois cette poney comme une geek à fond dans un bordel science-fiction,
Vacuum isn't that bad, they planned the thing; let's say it's to regulate the body temperature, and visually it's cute. Total Recall eyes exploding is impossible on mars( 10km altitude or something) hard to get in real space or the moon, and you don't freeze cause, thanks Sadique Arnaud... or Sadi Carnot's law on thermodynamic, you cannot really freeze in a vacuum either. Divers like Jacques Mayol exceeded a few times the difference surface-deep sea without imploding. You just can not swim in space to reach the closest spacesuit but if you can release your lungs's air in a swimming pool and survive for a dozen of seconds, you will painfully survive in space.
fuck Astronogeek and Stardust for ruining the space horror with facts. why must I bring science into pony drawing? Ah yeah I forgot, I'm drunk.
Vacuum isn't that bad, they planned the thing; let's say it's to regulate the body temperature, and