Commissioned Artist Wishes To Remain Anonymous
The man who's come to be known as the Guardian Master has renown for many reasons, and while most are positive, there are some which have caused resounding terror in those who speak his name. The corrupted creature you see before you is one of, if not the most prominent reason of concern for those who know of his approach, as having this Pokemon in particular brought to your town would make you wish a bomb had fallen instead, as if nothing else, it's destruction could be contained.
The reason behind the form you see here is as dark as the appearance itself. During the start of the TOTGM series, it was revealed that right after being born, a human captured her, discovered she was born blind, and promptly had her thrown off a nearby cliff by another subservient Pokemon in his party, a Houndoom, to rid her from his team, deemed useless for battle, and as a result, unfit for life itself in a world where to many, victory comes above sympathy.
Born with no parents to welcome her, having hatched out of darkness, only to be met with darkness, then captured by a human after having just took her first sightless steps, only to find herself quickly rejected and sent tumbling down a cliff, her birth itself was seemingly meant to serve as her own demise. Upon her merciless impact with the ground, this newborn who'd barely walked, stumbled her way into the worst rejection and abuse from the very beginning.
However, though it seemed to be the end of her nonexistent life, she would find herself taken in by a second man later that very night, one who would be as much an opposite to her captor as yin is from yang, the man who would become the Guardian himself. Scaling the cliff to save her, then tending to her injuries at his camp, it wasn't until the following day upon her waking and curious behaviors when moving about that he began piecing together the cause of her fate.
Her species, even as a newborn Ralts, are so in tune with the minds and hearts of others their abilities are unrivaled, and though wary of the Guardian, his tone and touch were more than enough to resonate within her and pave the way toward a bond unrivaled. Using her psychic abilities to link with his mind and reveal her fate as best she could, he then accepted her as his first companion along his travels and
vowed to aid her in honing her remaining senses to insure she lived the best life possible.
Unfortunately, all too often we find fate taking an unkind stance toward those with good natures. Along their travels together, she would find her rescuer imprisoned for her blind state due to misunderstandings with dire consequences, with the first Pokemon Center she was taken to separating her from the Guardian and having him imprisoned due to the belief he was the cause of her sightless state, an act that had him not only behind bars, but abused by the officer in charge.
Thanks to her psychic abilities, the nurses who'd taken her arrived at the prison the Guardian was held in to apologize, only to find his battered condition. Though unable to see, she could sense his pain, and it was this moment which served as the catalyst that would awaken a maliciousness within her without match. It was one that would continue to fester as time went on, and wouldn't truly awaken until the Guardian found himself attacked a second time, and not by humans, but the very Houndoom from her past.
Taking pleasure in tormenting both her and the Guardian, the Pokemon had managed to take on its Mega form and led its own pack, now separated from its trainer for reasons unknown. Repeating what it had done to her, the alpha had her cast from the cliff the Guardian had been camping by, only this time she wasn't left to fall alone as he made a leap of faith and used his own body to take on the impact of the fall in her stead.
As a result, upon impact with the ground it was thought the Guardian had been killed, with herself having flown from atop his body. Blindly making her way back to him, finding the man still as stone brought pain on its own, yet it wasn't long that she felt his blood at her feet and this made the agonized Pokemon snap completely. Forcing her body to undergo evolution into its Gardevoir state unnaturally, the process ripped away at her until she stood in her completed state.
It wasn't exactly what one would consider normal though. As her hatred seeped out, it started warping into a precursor of sorts of the form you see here. When a Pokemon has enough hatred and its heart essentially shuts down, it turns into a vile creature known most commonly as a Shadow Pokemon, its power multiplying and its sense of self and restraint erased. Using this very power, she eradicated the pack of Houndoom and, quite literally, ripped the Mega Stone from the stomach of their leader.
Thanks to a miracle of sorts, the Guardian was able to regain consciousness long enough to stop her from falling completely into her wicked self. Pulling her out through sheer force of will, the sight of him alive was enough to shock her back into reason, just before his wounded form collapsed before her once again. Because of this interruption, Serenity became a hybrid of sorts, not quite a Shadow Pokemon in a complete sense, yet not completely normal either.
From this point on, her wickedness would show itself during dire conditions when her stress and anger rose enough for it to take hold, with each occurrence making her body look more and more malicious while under its influence. Though she reverted to the appearance of any typical Gardevoir after the Guardian helped her regain control, the proof she wasn't a Pokemon to take lightly quickly became all too clear to the watchful eyes of the world around them.
Sadly, despite their combined efforts to control this side of her, calamity would strike their lives yet again when the Guardian found his life seemingly ended a second time, and not by Pokemon, but other humans. As a result, like a key thrust into a forbidden lock, all her restraint abandoned her and she fell to the wickedness that had festered within her for so long and evolved as she did. Feeding off her psychic abilities, she became a Shadow Pokemon none had seen before.
With power enough to bring about a literal end to life, she would call forth a black hole with all the power needed to feed off the planet and grow to a size capable of erasing it completely. It would appear in the sky, begin slowly absorbing the light around it, and like an agonizing countdown, would slowly drop to the surface of the Earth itself which would become its fuel to grow exponentially. Just as she was born into darkness, she would see the world end in darkness.
But that... Is a story in the making you will have to read for yourself...
tale of the guardian master
5 years, 5 months ago
19 Sep 2019 20:55 CEST
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