Animation of Gejhi's "Ultra" type move. Every character will get one move of this teir. It's generally capable of being the single strongest move in most character kits. It's power is dependent on the amount of energy in the special meter for this move (separate from the normal power meter). It becomes usable half way into the charge, but gains power as the meter fills further.
This attack is simply just one massive slash that does 5 hits. The strongest hits being the first 3, near the ground. When the move hits air foes, usually only the last 2 hits will land, so it's best to do on grounded or near-ground foes.
This move cannot cancel from most attacks. It can be linked from moves with enough positive frames, (like some counter-hits) or possibly after a parry. This attack can however, be canceled into right after the multi-hit portion of Gejhi's super move Phantom Barrage, but with reduced damage output.