The character I wanted isn't in there. What now? I will record one line of my choosing in that character's voice on my headset mic.
Why not a higher quality demo? :/ You get what you pay for.
Why don't you voice for free? This is my main job. Not only do I help you come up with the script with you, I spend HOURS mixing in sound effects, editing together files and polishing it up to sound nice. On the rare occasion I do feel like voicing something for free, I approach the person.
Can't you cut me a discount? My prices are already super low, so no, sorry. I have Patreon if you want cheaper rates!
When you say any fetish - I mean any fetish.
even - Yes. As long as it's not meant to be offensive to someone based on religion, race, gender/identity/orientation, chances are I'll voice it.
I can't afford to commission you right now, how can I support you? I have a Tip Jar where you can throw a few bucks my way, I also stream regularly on Pomf if you want to keep me company! :D
I'm super shy about my's kinda odd... *adjusts goggles, pulls on rubber gloves* Bring it on.