After a long nap, Rascal woke up soaked and in need of a change, Cassie came in and helped the puppy out of the crib and did just that. Having brothers and sisters that shes cared for in the past made the job so much easier. Unfortunately for the little pup, the only change of cloths in his size wouldn’t have been the puppy’s first choice.
”Im sorry Rascal, but the only spare cloths I have are Emmy’s old cloths.” the dragon girl said as she slid the shirt and skirtall over the puppy’s head. Rascal didn’t fight too much but his displeasure of being in little girls clothing was evident. “Aww, don’t look so sad, here, let me take your mind off it.”
Cassie then lifted Rascal onto his feet and using his hands, helped him stand on his own two paws.
“Ok Rascal, put one paw in front of the other.” Rascal did so, as Cassie helped guide him. “There you go, such a smart puppy! Now the next.” The praise caused Rascal to begin to really concentrate on what he was doing, and his tail to wag some as he took his second step.
After a bit of praise, a couple of cushion falls, and some reassurance and help from Cassie, Rascal was able to walk a whole 5 steps on his own unassisted. The excitement and joy made him completely forget about the clothing he was wearing.
So I'm not the best at story writing. I'm not sure if lack of sleep, or the fact that I look at this pic and wish with all my heart it could happen IRL.