So I’ve decided to give clay modeling a try. For my first one, I don’t think it’s that bad. There are some obvious flaws and I probably shouldn’t handle a paintbrush while hyped up on Mountain Dew, but those are things I can improve on. Glazing might be next to make it shinier and smoother. I was thinking of making more models and depending on how well I do, maybe commissioning some. Would anyone be interested in that?
this is great for a first try, its right on model with skoons artwork of her. if you do decide to commission these I'll have to save up some cash for an apple bloom and dashie (my fav 2).
this is great for a first try, its right on model with skoons artwork of her. if you do decide to co
Ah, while I'm sure you can do better it looks very smooth and cute. The pose is pulled off just right. I'm jealous as I have no skill in 3D art at all. That doesn't mean I'm easily impressed though. It takes a fine Cheerilee for that. ;D
Ah, while I'm sure you can do better it looks very smooth and cute. The pose is pulled off just righ