Lineart made by crux: and coloring by tobifur on FA.
The night was quiet as usual during one of my hunting hours while away from my village. I am the tribal leader in the village because of my strong courageous fighting spirit and was chosen by the village itself. After being leader for quite some time, I missed the old days before I became the tribal leader where I spent most of my nights hunting. So after so careful thinking, I managed to sneak out of the village unnoticed and explore the deeper side of the forest. Never have I ever been in this area before but I figured that there might be something worth finding around in the area and I was correct. Along the way during my hunting travel, I suddenly stumbled upon what seems to be an abandoned temple. I traveled to the very top of the temple and looked from the distance to see that there was some sort of ancient village that was once habitable but somehow was abandoned and forgotten in time. Curious to see more bout this temple, I entered it and explored ts catacombs.
Inside I discovered nothing more but ancient pottery, ancient writings that's long forgotten, and other artifacts. But suddenly, I saw a spec of light from a distance deep within the catacombs and go towards it. While I was heading my way towards that light, I smelled something in the air that made my mouth water. Its smelled like cooked meat, but who could be living here in an old ancient temple like this? After finally reaching the light, there I discovered was nothing more but a camp site and their was freshly hunted meat over the fire cooking right over it. I looked around to see if anyone was around as I can't resist the smell of that delicious juicy meat. I could tell that it was freshly hunted since their is blood still dripping from it. I sat down next to the fire and ate the meat that was over the fire. The taste of it was extraordinary as I took my time to eat it til nothing was more. I saw a pouch of what can be used to hold liquid and opened it. I took a sip from it as it tasted like some sort of sparkling water miked with fruit juice that tasted so good that I drank the whole thing up. Feeling satisfied of what I found, I slowly dozed off until I fell asleep.
But suddenly, I hear something somewhere in the catacombs footsteps getting louder and louder. I jumped right up quickly and hid in the darkness behind one of the old ancient statues and wait to see who was coming. To my deep shock and surprise, this creature has wings, horns, hands, feet, and tail of that of a dragon and yet the rest of him is a fox. He saw that his hunt was suddenly gone as well as the drink that was in his pouch. He looked around as he released a huge roar of that of a dragon when its fully enraged. He was coming towards where I was at and ducked behind in the dark and remained quiet. I can tell that this creature was no fool as he tries to sniff out where I was at. Realizing that I would be found, I created a distraction grabbing a rock and throwing it in another area away from me. He heard the sound and went away from where I'm at. This was my chance to get out of this undiscovered and return to the village to tell what I have seen. I made my way as quiet as I could until I finally saw the night light and emerged from the darkness. Thankfully my night vision allowed me to see in the dark but just when i thought I was safe to make it back out, suddenly I felt a hard push from behind as I skidded onto the floor on my chest/ I turned and looked up to see the creature spotted me.
"So your the one who stole my hunt." It looked at me and his eyes widen a bit. "I know you...your Jason...that tribal leader form the village not far from here."
"What?! You know me?! Who and what are you?!" I looked at him with surprise as I never met this creature nor see him.
"I know alot of things about you than you know yourself. In time you'll understand but I won't forgive you for stealing my hunt."
I guickly got up and demanded how he knew about me and who and what is he.
"How do you now my name and who the hell are you and what the hell are you?!"
He sighed and looks at me. "I am....a drox. A hybrid mixture of a fox and dragon hybrid if you must know...Mjern is my name...and as how I know you...that's my little secret."
He smirked back at me while I looked at him.
"In any case Jason I can't let you leave here without teaching you your lesson about stealing other people's hunt. So if you think your going to be leaving here unharmed...think again."
Suddenly he flew up into the air and charged directly at me. Seeing this I dodged his swoop but not before he surprised me with a swipe to my right arm which bleed giving off my scent of blood. He stopped in mid air and tasted my blood on his fingers and smirked.
"You have a good taste." He said
Hearing this, I wasn't going to let myself be his next meal so I readied myself to fight as he swooped at me again. This time I took it head on as I was being pushed very hard until I managed to stop him in his tracks. He was surprised that I can par up with him in the area of brute strength. Seeing no other choice my eyes glowed brightly green which caused the drox to back away but not out of fear as he seemed to expect what happens next. My body and muscles have grown until I finally achieved my wereform.
"I've been waiting for this Jason...the moment that we see who is the strongest." He said.
Looking confused, I shrugged it off and charged at him at fast speed only for him to fly into the air and charged at me. I tried to land a direct attack since he was going head on but to my surprised he changed his angle and kicked me from behind as I landed onto the ground. I got up only to see him in the air and coming at me. This time I ran off as he catches speed towards me, however I suddenly stopped and grabbed onto one of his hands as tries to stop to land a hard kick into his abdomen. I also gave him a deep slash into his chest and a hard punch to his face before letting him go and seemingly knocking him out.
That fight has finally at last came to an end...or so I thought. Just when I finally had my back turned...suddenly he wrapped his tail quickly around my leg and pulled it causing me to fall onto my chest. At that moment he grabbed onto me from behind and bitten hard into my neck as he pushed his saliva into my neck wound causing me to yelp in pain. I quickly threw him off of me as I found a smirk on his face.
"I got you at last Jason now I can have my fun with you."
I grabbed onto my neck wound and growled towards him enraged noting that this fight was far from over but he on the other hand thought otherwise.
"I should let you know that my saliva is a kind of relaxent that not only temporarily turns you back to normal but it also causes your muscles to be alot more relaxed making it hard to move."
I growled and charged at him enraged as he flew up dodging my attack and laughing at me. Suddenly I realized that he was right as I eventually reverted back to normal and found it harder to move as if I was already fatigued. Eventually, I fell down onto the ground, hardy moving any part of my body wishing to lay motionless. He came down and stood right in front of me laughing and smirking at me as I growled at him. But what he was going to do next, not even I was prepared to face this.
Jason Werefox is me.
Mern is himself on FA.
13 years, 2 months ago
25 Jan 2012 08:15 CET
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