Ganichisun is a Sulikh hunter turned into avenger who alongside his blood brother, the Avigen eagle Grigotia hunts hostile squads from the Zinsunit empire,Youghzhihu, that enters the territory of his people.
He is the last survivor of a Sulikh tribe that was raid by an important squad of Zinsunits. Ganichisun barely survived, remaining heavy wounded for two days until Grigotia was back from a pilgrimage to the Avigen city of Ignivita and found him bearly alive. Grigotia saved the life of his friend and bloodbrother by taking him back to Ignivita where the Avigen healers used their magic to heal it's wounds. After that Ganichisu swore to protect the rest of the tribes by hunting and killing every Zinsunit that trespassed the borders to Suikh territory. _______________________________________________________
so, I managed to finish my entry for the CDChallenge for this month, but I think it as revoked. I didn't recieve any message this time so I'm not entirely sure, but since my post just vanished after the sunday wave of entries, I just asumed that's the case. _______________________________________________________________ Twitter - Telegram Chanel - Facebook - Instagram - turkojar