Written by Wotzael
Edited and Revised by SDCharm
"But I told you, I don't need it!", the little boy whined as his older brother dragged him to the bathroom.
"No 'buts' but yours to wash, Troy! If you had read the rules, you'd already know that you must take a bath before bed!", Chris replied.
"But I ALREADY did, HOURS ago! If someone needs a bath, it's you! You stink!"
Chris stopped, utterly shocked. What he just heard was not only an insult, but a major violation of rule #3!
"How dare you..! That's it! If you won't obey, I'll make you!"
As he tried to disrobe Troy by force, he wasn't expecting him to grab his arm and flip him over his shoulder.
Too bad.
When the young boy opened his eyes, everything seemed different. First, the bathroom was spinning and blurry. Second, he was feeling comfortable, but a bit cold too. And third...was that Troy holding his pants?
Reality struck Chris like a lightning bolt just then. He was in his underwear!
"Oh, you're awake? Cool! I was getting you ready for your bath!", Troy explained.
His brother went bright red. He then found himself shaking with intense rage.
Chris rushed to give his little brother the beating he deserved, but Troy stepped aside just in time. His charge ended with a passionate kiss to the wall.
The boy stumbled back, stunned. With his blackened eye and missing tooth, he looked like he took quite the beating himself. His eyes were crossed and he was seeing double, so he tried to find Troy by following the laughter. Maybe he should have watched his steps instead…
When his foot touched the soap, his fate was sealed. The boy performed a spectacular backward flip and landed on his butt.
But it wasn't over. His meeting with the wall had shaken the shelf, and a family-sized shampoo bottle decided that it was the right moment to fall.
Right on the kid's head of course.
"Daaah~! I want da wed balloon, dadOW!", he began right before another bottle followed.
Luckily for him, none of them opened, so his hair was still dry...unlike his underwear. But who could blame him? After being knocked out three times in a row, the poor little guy had no more control over his bladder.
The last couple hits had left him with two round bumps, on top of each other, and a dozen stars to admire. He was smiling widely, his tongue flopped out to the side.
From his point of view, the bathroom was spinning even faster now. So fast, in fact, that he couldn't see Troy's look of disapproval.
"Now you REALLY need a bath", the kid said, overlooking his older brother.
Days later, the valuable lessons learned at bath-time had sunk in rather strikingly.
Have you ever seen those 'body swap' episodes in a cartoon? Well, Troy was in the middle of experiencing one.
Every single day, he had been scared of bumping into his big brother and getting lectured about ever-changing rules. But not this day.
Today, he was free to lay down and relax, because it was Chris who was scared of crossing his path.
As for Chris, his memories of what happened the other day were still hazy, but he could basically sum it up as follows: Troy knocked him out, stripped him naked and then bathed him like a baby.
Just thinking about it made him blush and shiver.
He had spent the whole day avoiding his younger brother, but every time he did, there was a little voice in his head telling him how wrong it was. HE was the one in charge! And he DESERVED some respect! And...maybe Troy didn't actually beat him up. After all, he couldn't remember how he was knocked out. Maybe he just slipped on the wet floor, and his brother took advantage of it...
Yes, that had to be it. There was no way Troy could be stronger than him! It was time to remind him who was the big brother here!
It was at this moment that his little brother went out of his room...still not in his pajamas! At 8p.m!
"Hey! Where are your pajamas? You should be in bed by now!" Chris shouted, feeling the anger boil again.
"I'm not tired. Plus, you're not wearing yours either", Troy replied.
"Are you talking back to me again?", Chris said as he gave his brother an angry look. "It's time for BED! No funny business!"
"But I'm not tired! Why should I go to sleep if I don't need to?"
As an answer, Chris grabbed him by the collar. Physical violence wasn't his thing, but right now he needed to reassert his authority.
"Okay listen up! I've had enough of this attitude! Now obey me, or I'll put you to sleep myself!"
"THAT'S ENOUGH!", Troy shouted. "First the shower, now this...your rules don't even make sense, you just want to boss me around!"
Chris couldn't take it anymore. This rebellion had gone too far, and it was time to crush it!
With a roar of rage, the boy threw a vengeful fist that rushed for his brother's face...and was stopped by a tiny hand.
The boy's eyes opened wide with surprise, then with terror when Troy slowly clenched his fist.
"W-wait!", Chris stammered. "You c-can't hurt me! I-it's a violation of…"
The sound of the impact echoed through the house. As his body shot out of his clothes, Chris suddenly recalled that he, to, was supposed to be in bed by now. Then he slammed head-first against the roof and landed...right on his bed.
Problem solved.
Chris, realizing he didn't break his own rules, suddenly felt very happy. Then his brain mixed this joy with a plate of spinning stars and a full glass of dizziness. I'm sure you've already pictured the result.
Troy didn't bother checking his punch's effect. He already had a nice view of his brother's butt sticking up, and he could even notice a little change of color on the bed.
"Still not in pajamas AND wetting the bed? Bad Chris!", he said, but the older boy wasn't listening. Right now, he was busy following the winged bells to Loopyland.
"Asleep already? Looks like your rules were made for YOU...anyway, goodnight baby bro!"