It is but it takes a bit of setup. You need the right roms to emulate and the suggested emulator. I had trouble finding the Zelda rom and had to rely on one I had on my other computer for the one game randomizer.
If you ever do get it all set up I'd highly recommend to choose the option to NOT have the morph ball randomized. You're stuck in the beginning section without it since every way out requires a bomb. Of course there are other entrances to the Metroid world which can get you into a different area, but the point of having the 2 game randomizer is to switch back and forth. So much is dependent on using bombs that you're gonna be mainly playing Zelda until you find the morph ball.
If you get helplessly stuck you can look up your game seed on the randomizer page and you can look up where every item is.
It is but it takes a bit of setup. You need the right roms to emulate and the suggested emulator. I
You're welcome. =) I've beaten it like 4 times now. There's just something really enjoyable about not knowing what you're going to get, and having to be very thorough about stuff you normally wouldn't go out of your way for.
The only downside is sometimes getting TOO lucky. In the first few minutes of one game I got the blue mail for Link and the Screw Attack for Samus, and I restarted it because that was just too big of a gamebreaker to have right away.
I also found out there were a lot of hidden treasure spaces I never knew of. At least like 6 in Metroid.
One last tip is about the ending. The game only ends when you beat both final bosses, but you're still free to go back and forth in them after you beat the first one. If you beat Metroid first you don't even have to deal with the self destruct countdown and the game continues as normal when you get out of Mother Brain's area.
You're welcome. =) I've beaten it like 4 times now. There's just something really enjoyable about n