So, last year, my boyfriend came to visit me from Isreal and we lived together for a month before he had to go back. During that month I introduced him to a lot of different things that you cannot get in his country. I gave him a taste of fruit punch and he took a very strong liking to it. In fact, he would call me at work and ask me to bring home new cartons of fruit punch whenever we ran out. He would drink it with almost every single meal. One afternoon, I came home and opened the refridgerator and discovered a huge gallon of fruit punch sitting next to a couple of nearly empty cartons. I was very surprised and asked him where it came from. He told me he discovered the store down the street from where we were staying had fruit punch for sale and so he bought the biggest one he could find.
I thought it was just the cutest and one of our most memorable moments during that time. He was just so adorable with his fruit punch addiction, so of course we had to get our characters to represent that moment.
Kai may have taken his liking to fruit punch a little far though and wound up using Yami's credit card to purchase enough for a full pool of the stuff! Which we did the math and it came to around $66,000 worth of juice. Poor Yami is going to be paying that off for the next century, doesn't seem like Kai is too worried though!