Christmas eve. This day was making Raphael nervous. He couldn’t stop thinking what if Leo hated the gifts what he had got for him… His thoughts kept rolling around the gifts as Raphael pulled Christmas ham out of the oven. It has been there whole for hours already and it should be done by now. Cutting off small piece Raphael looked inside, nodding with satisfaction. It was cooked fully.
Next he made few different foods. Carrot casserole, swede casserole and rice porridge. Sighing Raphael wiped sweat off from the forehead, turning to bake next. He didn’t do anything fancy, but something nice and small still. Gingerbreads and mince pies with plum jam filling. Turning a bit playful tho, Raphael couldn’t help himself for trying to make one mince pie to look like a turtle with plum jam filling. He wanted to give it to Leonardo, even if he wouldn’t be able to see it. First tries failed horribly, but finally he got one done. Damn, he felt proud! Putting pies on baking tray Raphael put them in, sitting down to wait for 10-15 minutes.
Leonardo entered the kitchen wide smile on his face.
“Something smells so good in here.” He came to Raphael, bending down to kiss him. “You been cooking here whole morning?”
“Yep. We need food for Christmas.”
“Smells like you are making lots of it.”
“Let’s just say there’s plenty enough for both of us.”
Leonardo chuckled, sitting sideways on Raphael’s legs, wrapping his arm on Raphael’s shoulders. “How about the Christmas tree?”
“It’s in the shower. I bought one yesterday and brought it inside to melt. It had some small ice balls on it still in this morning so I gave it warm shower. Now it’s only drying. We can decorate it later after I’m done cooking.”
Leonardo kissed him again, smiling gently as he petted Raphael’s head on top. “You have been so diligent today. Do you have any strength to celebrate Christmas with me later in the evening?”
Wrapping his arms around Leonardo Raphael smiled. “Of course I do. I wouldn’t skip Christmas with you for anything.”
Leonardo smiled, pressing his head against Raphael’s closing eyes. “I love you.” He silently sighed, rubbing his head against Raph’s with few small movements.
“Love ya too.” Raphael softly replied, turning his head enough for his lips touch Leo’s beak with a tiny kiss. Smelling hint of something burning Raphael gently asked Leo to move, heading to the oven. Small dark cloud floated out when the oven was opened, Raphael pulling out the baking tray.
“Oh no… Did they got burned? Was it my fault?”
“No, Leo. They are okay, except one at the back. I had placed it too close to the edge. One part of the pie had been against the oven’s wall which caused that to burn. Others are safe so don’t worry.”
Raphael cut the burned part off, moving this pie to the side. He would eat it when it would cool down.
“Can I have one now?”
Gently slapping Leo on the hand Raphael smiled. “No, not yet. These are hot and the jam inside them even hotter. Trust me, babe, you don’t want to burn your mouth with a hot jam. It hurts like shit.”
“And you know how much shit hurts inside the mouth?” Leonardo smirked teasingly at Raphael who threw few drops of water on Leo’s face from the fork which he just washed.
“Get lost.” Both males laughed, Leo taking his leave.
Later in the afternoon Raphael took Christmas tree in the living room where he decorated it with Leo. Since Leonardo wanted to place the star on top of the tree, Raphael bend down wrapping his arms around Leo’s thighs, lifting him up. Searching the right part with his hands Leonardo couldn’t help but to smile while being held like this. Raphael’s arms were so strong, so warm and hard thanks to those big muscles of his. Raphael’s breathing hitting him through his shirt. It was very nice.
“You done?”
Landing Leonardo back down Raphael looked at the star. It was silver and white mix. Very lovely and much better than gold one. Feeling hands on his shoulders Raphael looked down, Leonardo facing him with such tender love look on his face. He was smiling at him so slightly, radiating such warmth. Raphael smiled back at him, pressing his hand on Leo’s cheek before kissing him.
“I love you.” They whispered to one another before going back on decorating.
When the tree was ready, now they only waited for the evening while keeping TV on. It was full of Christmas shows. Different movies – live action and cartoons -, talk shows, musics and so on.
“Leave it on the music channel if possible.”
It wasn’t unusual request since Leonardo liked to listen music from TV during Christmas. They had radio too, but it was already old, the sound system slowly breaking. No matter how much volume they tried to put on it just didn’t work. Sitting eyes closed on his chair Leonardo swung his head slightly with the rhythm of the songs, singing silently along. This was first time when Raphael heard Leo sing and he had actually quite nice voice. Very calming and clear.
Closing his own eye Raphael sighed, listening Leo and only Leo. He didn’t even hear the music from the TV. That hard he focused on his mate’s voice. Only then he snapped out from his deep meditation state when Leo’s voice whispered right next to his ear.
“Are you sleeping?”
“No.” He lazily moaned. “Just listened your voice and meditated.”
“Meditated?” Leonardo asked lightly surprised and amused. It was not something what Raphael liked to do.
“Hey, I do meditate at times. Not as often as you, but still.”
“True. You meditate perhaps once a year.” Leonardo couldn’t help but to tease his big turtle a bit. “I love you.” He said soon after his previous words to distract other turtle, kissing his head. “Are you ready for the gifts?”
“Bath first, young man.” Raphael said standing up. “No any gifts to anyone before we are clean. Then we eat and only then we get the gifts.”
“Can we, at least, put them under the tree already?”
Watching excitement shine in Leo’s eyes, his body slightly tensed as he waited. Rolling his eye Raphael sighed deep with wide smile. “Sure, lets put them under the tree.”
Leo grabbed Raphael by the cheeks kissing him once hard. “Thank you!” He said before running away, leaving Raphael stand still with wide eye. He had never seen Leonardo run inside and now… For the first time a thought that maybe Leonardo really wasn’t blind after all crossed his mind. Nonsense, he thought. Leonardo was blind, but he also was very good at calculating. Raphael was sure Leonardo had counted how many normal steps fitted in one of his running step. That way he easily could had counted how many running steps he could take to reach the stairs and go upstairs.
Leonardo was remarkable turtle. There was no denying that. Raphael smiled as he entered his room heading to his closet. There was a bag filled with wrapped gifts, most of them being for Leonardo. Remembering Leo’s brothers Raph had got at least one gift to Don and one for Mikey. He also had a gift for Alfred. He would get it after his return. Walking down the stairs Raphael spotted Leonardo coming from dojo’s direction with a bag. So he had been hiding his gifts there.
Both turtles knelt down as they placed gifts under the tree, then heading to shower together. However Raphael couldn’t help himself and he needed to give one gift to Leonardo already in the shower. Leonardo moaned as he stood still leaning against the wall with his hands as Raphael was standing behind him, showering him with love. After they both were satisfied they kissed and cuddled under warm shower before washing each others bodies. It was nice and much more relaxing than washing your own body.
After shower both males dried each other, wearing only thick and warm bathrobes. Taking Raphael’s hand Leo started to guide him towards the living room. Leonardo wasn’t big fan of winter, but he LOVED Christmas. He loved to give gifts. Sitting on the rug Leonardo waited as Raphael added more woods in the fireplace, then sitting next to him.
“You share the gifts. I tried to write your name on them, but I have no idea how my writing skills are so on some parcels there’s only an R – or should be.” Leo chuckled.
Raphael chuckled as well as he eyed one of the packages which said ‘Raph’, but not in the most readable and clear hand writing. “It’s okay. It’s good enough to understand.”
There wasn’t all that many gifts, but each of them were appreciated. Turtles took turns to open each others gifts, eagerly waiting what the other one would think.
Raphael opened soft package, seeing knitted shirt inside. It was definitely off-shoulder type and it had 2 different colors on it. Shirt itself was wine red and wide stripe going around the shoulder area, also spreading down on sleeves, was red.… with a red ribbon attached in front of left shoulder. Leonardo reached his hand to touch the gift, realizing what it was.
“I hope you like it. I took a risk with it since I know you rather walk bare chested, but when the seller described it to me I instantly thought of you.”
Hanging the shirt in front of him Raphael smiled. “No worried, I like it already – a lot. The colors are nice and so is the yarn. I’m not all that sure about the ribbon tho.” He chuckled. “But it will stay.” Kissing Leo’s cheek he said; “Thank you. I really like it.”
“So you will be wearing it?”
“Starting tomorrow.”
Leonardo smiled as he opened his gift, his smile soon fading away.
“A.. book?” Leonardo kept touching it and yes, it was a book. His heart broke, but he forced smile back on his face more or less. “Thank you, Raphael. But...”
“I know you can’t read, but I know you can listen. There’s more.”
Leonardo checked the box, finding headphones and small device.
“It’s a home made voice book. Or should be if I did everything right.”
“You mean?”
“I read the whole damn book for you, recording it. Took long time to do it. That wasn’t my kind of book either, but I tried my best. For you. So I hope you appreciate it even if you wouldn’t like it. And if I didn’t remember wrong it should be one of the books what you said you would like to be able to read someday since you had heard about the book from Alfred.”
“So you… Read the whole book, recorded your reading… Just so that I could hear it? So that I could ‘read’ the book?” Leonardo’s voice was trembling, hint of small tears in his moist eyes. He was so touched by Raphael’s action. How he had been so thoughtful.
“Thank you.” Leonardo whispered hugging the book eyes closed. “I will treasure this. And I will start to listen it tonight.”
Raphael smiled, wiping away small tear from the corner of Leo’s eye. “My voice ain’t the best for reading, or so I believe, but I hope you can still deal with it.”
Leonardo laughed slightly. “I’m sure I’ll love it.”
Moving forward Raphael opened his second gift, eyeing black suitcase. Leo’s hands were there to investigate – huge grin taking over his face.
“I don’t like that grin of yours...” Raphael sounded sour as he said that.
“Don’t say that yet. Open it.”
“I’m scared.” Sarcasm. Leonardo waited as he listened Raphael opening the suitcase. His face turned red as his eye widened. “What the hell?!”
Leonardo laughed by his side, moving to sit right against Raphael’s side. “You like? Took me a while to get it via few phone calls, but I thought you would like it. You are so naughty after all.”
Raphael lifted handcuffs in the air, eyeing them. “If these are supposed to be used one me, then no.”
Leonardo laughed again leaning more against Raphael. “What would you say if we use them together?”
Eyeing Leonardo with lifted eye ridge Raphael appeared to be thinking, keeping other turtle waiting on purpose. “Hmm… If I can chain and whip you then we’re talking about right ways of using these.”
“Hm~mh, perhaps I will let you do that. Perhaps not. We just need to see how lucky you can get.”
“You are horrible tease.” Raphael mumbled as he closed the suitcase. He would check all other items inside it better later. Leonardo included in that action.
Rest of the gifts were opened and it was time to eat since both males had been too excited to open the gifts that they forgot to eat completely. Eating was quiet moment but they both enjoyed the food. It was delicious and Raphael felt so proud of himself for making such yummy food. As a dessert Raphael gave Leonardo turtle shaped mince pie which other turtle accepted with thanks and smile. He ran his fingers gently over it, smiling.
“A turtle?”
“More or less, yeah. My first try so it’s not perfect.”
“I think it’s cute. Thank you.” Leonardo smiled a moment before speaking again. “I don’t know can I eat it. It’s too cute to be eaten.”
“I can bake you more of them so you can eat it.”
“Give me a knife.” Leo suddenly said with a firm voice which made Raphael obey him instantly. Watching Leonardo guide the blade with his fingers, measuring the pie, Leo cut it easily in half. Giving other half to Raphael he smiled.
“I think it’s not fair if I eat this alone. Here.”
Shaking his head Raphael snorted, accepting the pie. “I could had made them more, but thanks.”
They sat in silence eating the pie which was delicious. Eyeing Leonardo Raphael noticed how other turtle’s eyes started to have difficulties of staying awake. It was not surprise tho. Showering, little “activity” in there, and eating were relaxing things which made person sleepy. Standing up Raphael stood by Leo’s side, picking him up in his arms.
“Come on. Time to go to bed.”
“Not yet. I want to listen more Christmas songs.”
“Next year.”
Climbing up the stairs Raphael walked behind Leo’s door, managing to open the lock with the key in his hand. Stepping in Leonardo lifted his head, sniffing the air. “My room?”
“Yeah. I have few gifts for you here.”
Smiling Leo rested his head back on Raphael’s shoulder. “Sex swing?”
Raphael burst to laugh out loud so hard he almost dropped poor Leo. “Oh God, no! Where you even heard that word!?”
Leonardo chuckled. “The seller in naughty store recommended it as one of the gift. Said it’s very popular and liked.”
“My Lord...” Raphael only mumbled with a smile on his face as he sat Leo on the edge of the bed, helping him out of his bathrobe. Covering him with thick blanket Raphael told Leo to lay there silently. Soon sound of small indoor fountain filled the room, making Leonardo smile widely.
“Indoor fountain! I always have wanted one. I love the sound of water.”
“Alfred told me. That’s why I got you this. It’s small one on the table at the corner so I hope it’s loud enough.”
“Oh, yes! Yes it is. Thank you. I love it so much.”
“Take it easy, cupcake. I have one more thing.”
Sitting next to Leonardo Raphael pressed one button from small remote, gentle sound of birds singing and chirping filling the room every now and then. Leonardo was smiling so widely, gasping. He looked so happy it made Raphael smile.
“You can change the sounds via remote. There’s rain, thunder, wind, howling snow storm, rustling leaves, more birds, gentle music and so on. I thought they might would be nice since your room is darn quiet. … Besides that horrible clock which keeps ticking.”
Leonardo chuckled as he took the remote from Raphael, who guided him how to use the remote. It was simple with few buttons which all were more further away from each other. Receiving many small kisses Leonardo smiled eyes closed, not wanting to let go of Raphael.
“I love you so much. I love these gifts. Now I feel bad I didn’t had so good gifts for you.”
“Bullshit. You gave me a job and home when I arrived here. You have given me so much already.”
Standing up Raphael was leaving the room which was concerning Leonardo. “You won’t sleep with me?”
“Not tonight. You can test that voice book and listen those sounds of waterfall and birds. I will sleep with you next night. Of course if you get scared you can come to sleep in my arms at any time.”
Leonardo only laughed as he laid down, wishing Raphael good night. Closing the door Raphael wished Leonardo good night as well, withdrawing to sleep in his room. At first it felt so weird for both of them to be alone in the bed. So lonely and cold, missing another next to them. It was more difficult to Raphael than it was to Leo who was laying on his shell headphones on, listening Raphael’s recording of the book. Raphael’s voice was so nice to listen. It eased turtle’s aching heart, helping him to fall asleep.
At some point during the night he woke up, paused the recording and took headphones off. For a short moment Leonardo thought of going to sleep next to Raphael, but the sound of water and birds silent chirping made him so happy. He laid deeper in the mattress, pulling blanket all the way up to his mouth, smiling to himself. He loved those gifts so much and with those thoughts he fell back to sleep.
New year came and went, turtle couple spending the evening at the city watching fireworks. Or at least Raphael watched while Leonardo kept him company, arms wrapped around Raphael’s. They also had received a call from Alfred. He would be coming home after few days.
Raphael looked around a day before Alfred’s arrival. The place needed a small cleaning so he started to clean, noticing a piano at the end of small storage room. Why it was there? Making his way to it Raphael touched the keys and they made a sound. Smiling eagerly Raphael cleaned way enough for the piano, taking it downstairs. Leonardo was in his room relaxing while listening Raphael’s recording when he heard a piano through the headphones. Pausing the play Leonardo sat up, listening. The sound of piano wasn’t coming from his devices.
Heading out of his room Leonardo followed the tone which sounded quite sad in a way. Coming in the living room Leonardo approached Raphael who was sitting in front of the piano at the corner, playing it. Leaning gently against Raphael’s shoulder with his hand, Leonardo smiled slightly.
“I didn’t know you can play.”
“Me neither.”
“But you are playing, right?”
“Yeah, but from the memory. This is the tone, or song, what Mrs. Morrison used to hum when I lived with her. Of course I don’t know the song or have played it before, but my memory about the tones are clear. I just find the tone which would match hers the best.”
Leonardo wrapped his arms around Raphael, resting his head against his with a deep sigh. “That sounds so sad...” To this Raphael didn’t reply. He didn’t need to since the tone really was more or less sad. “Can you play something happier?”
Stopping Raphael allowed his hands rest on the keys. “Sorry. I don’t know how to play something else.”
“Use your hearing and then follow it.”
“Isn’t that what you’re best at?” Raphael chuckled, moving out of the chair. “You try.”
Leonardo was slightly nervous, but he sat down and started to press the keys one by one with each hand, listening and memorising each key and their sound. Then, slowly he started to use one finger from each hand playing one of his favorite Christmas song. Surely he didn’t hit the correct keys, but he was stubborn. Stern look on Leo’s face was a sign for Raphael to leave, leaving Leonardo practice on his own. Raphael, in return, went to continue his cleaning hearing Leo’s playing.