Manglina es la hermana secundaria de Mangled, pero es igual de bien tratada por Mangled así como a Freddina. Como ven, Manglina tiene un arma que es un Bastón Metálico, pero no es un simple bastón, este bastón se puede transformar en otras armas.
Nota Interesante: Manglina tiene el mismo aspecto de Funtime Lolbit de FNAF Sister Location, pero Manglina tiene los ojos pintados de colores de Neon al igual que las mejillas, las cejas, el collar y el pelo.
Nota Importante: Manglina tiene un aspecto como que si fuera una zorro perteneciente al Triple X, pero no, no lo es ya que obviamente yo le hubiera puesto Mature Content.
Este fue un request que le pedí a mi amiga Roof8910 en DeviantART. Espero que os guste.
Manglina is Mangled's secondary sister, but she is equally well treated by Mangled as well as Freddina. As you can see, Manglina has a weapon that is a Metallic Rod, but it is not a simple Rod, this Rod can be transformed into other weapons.
Interesting Note: Manglina has the same appearance as Funtime Lolbit from FNAF Sister Location, but Manglina has her eyes painted in Neon colors as well as her cheeks, eyebrows, collar and hair.
Important Note: Manglina looks like if it were a fox belonging to Triple X, but no, it is not because obviously I had put Mature Content.
This was a request that I asked my friend Roof8910 in DeviantART. I hope you like it.
5 years, 6 months ago
21 Aug 2019 18:07 CEST
Initial: 8d7ba4e365a0ce52c368578c15a026d1
Full Size: 3b11ed92a68f267ca0bc1d5261c47f53
Large: 3b11ed92a68f267ca0bc1d5261c47f53
Small: 01a75d5aa758d95c52d630f566fc674c
1 favorite