What happens when a busty, vixen adventuress' eggs are bred with her own hung brother's sperm in an evil wizard's laboratory? The towering, inbred, shemale twins, Tatiana and Titania Pridemoon.
Towering over six feet tall, these identical twins are almost purely white furred, with short-cropped, naturally red and brown hair respectively. They bear the big breasts and cocks that are the signatures of their family, in the uncommon combination of both at the same time! Their other curves are overdeveloped as is their musculature and both girls are clearly quite strong and capable.
They were the first of Portia's children to be made with sperm stolen from one of Portia's brothers, Bjorn who was known not to live up to the high chastity codes of The Pale Lands and often took lovers out of wedlock. Zarron hoped to raise the twin boys himself but they were handful even before they could walk, showing a total disregard for authority and discipline. To make it worse, Tati and Titian showed some amount of latent, psychic ability and an unnatural strength and quickness, both of which made them dangerous, even as children. By the time they were five years old, their rambunctiousness and potential power was too much trouble for the wizard and he sold the very feminine twin boys off to an assassin academy at a deep discount, in hopes they might learn some discipline.
They didn't.
They did however learn a set of skills that make them especially deadly and formidable and that was before their completely unexpected appearance of feminine traits at puberty. The Assassin masters adjusted to the development and tried to shape them into female assassins despite their difficult-to-hide endowments but the (now identifying as) girls noticed the decline in the quality of their training in the years since developing, as well as the way some of the other, all-male students regarded them as "freaks." They decided together to run off, confident that their honed stealth and combat skills as well as their now-developed, minor psychic abilities would be enough to make them a living.
So far that living has been highway robbery.
The girls aren't true villains but greedy, selfish and of dubious morality. What they truly lack is discipline from real role model.
big breasts
huge breasts
huge cock
huge tits
5 years, 7 months ago
18 Aug 2019 17:21 CEST
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