So I finally got to see the episode "A Horse Shoe-In"(aka hooray for nepotism). While twinkle sprinkle was preparing for her role as god emperor, stoplight takes on her new role as head mare of the school. With this huge weight of responsibility coming her way, she decides to do an interview process. Besides her best friend trixei, four other candidates were made a part of this process. In no particular order, whopper, dr hooves, spoiled bitch, and Octavia(couldn't think of a parody name for her). The process started off with being a substitute teacher. Of course trixei should have been eliminated from the outset but nepotism kept her in. Instead, the 1st to go is spoiled bitch. Is it me or does spoiled bitch seem like one of those people who do mlm's? The 2nd test was the dreaded parent teacher conference. Like the episode states, shouting matches isn't a good look in that kind of setting. But instead of trixei getting the boot, it was whopper(for obvious reasons). The final test in the process was a field trip. Let's run down the field trips. Octavia put together a rocking dubstep concert. Dr hooves showed a random assortment of inventions. Trixei.. nearly destroyed the classroom the students were in. After all the field trips, it turns out none of the candidates made it. Damn, and I thought octavia would graduate to being a secondary character. Of course there had to be some happy ending. 'Member sunburst? It looks like he has another job now. And it seems trixei is allowed to stay too.