Character Sheet for Julie the Rabbit
Jules, Little Slutty, Mini-Ho
Character Description
Julie is best described as the female equilvelant of Max. She's young, but she lives with porno parents and likes sex at such a young age. She can't resist the boys, but always makes sure to make love in private. Two boys she's got her eyes on are Charmy Bee and Max the Fox, who she has a massive crush on.
Julie is as slutty as they come, even at such a young age. She just can't resist having sex with the cute/hot boys. Despite this, like Max, she is very nice and can make friends (and sex mates) pretty easily. She's also very responsible
Likes: Boys, dicks, hot sex, making out, teasing, responsibility, maturity, etc.
Dislikes: Being judged by her age and size, being told what to do, bullying, slackers, irresponsibility, etc.
Like Max, Julie grew up in another porno family. However, unlike Max, she was actually adopted by this family, but she doesn't know this one bit. The family helped her understand more about sex and how to be responsible (ironically enough, lol). Even at a young age, Julie's a mature and slutty little girl that loves the big dicks!
Two currently unnamed pron stars (adopted parents), Cocoa the Rabbit (half-sister)
Julie is a brown rabbit with blue eyes and white skin. Ain't she just adorable? XD
Julie wears a "skank-like" blue shirt, grey pants and socks, and blue shoes
Accessories sex toys count? XD