When good and evil unite, a new power awakens! Zen’Aku is the fusion between Triumph Wolfbane and Savage Sorateph!
Zen’Aku's name means good and evil which makes sense since he is a fusion of Triumph, a force of good and hope, and Savage, a demon who is the son of a fallen angel.
Zen’Aku represents light and hope compared to his opposite, Zirothain. He possesses great holy god power but the downside to this fusion is that the two that make him will tend to come to a disagreement over which course of action to take, which would eventually lead to an argument with himself, leaving him vulnerable till the dispute is settled. Otherwise, they would be forced to separate.
Because his fusion isn’t a fully complete one, compared to his opposite, he refers to himself as “we” since it’s Triumph and Savage inhabiting one body. The fusion will only be possible if Triumph feels the light of hope within himself and if Savage agrees to it, which is the hard part because Savage would rather use that kind of power for evil intentions.