Flatbush Cats is a cat rescue organization focused on reducing and managing the outdoor cat population in New York City - the rescue is run by a team of volunteers, who work tirelessly to help save the lives of as many kitties as they can. This includes cats that are sick or injured - Flatbush helps these kitties get well and find new homes.
With Artwork Tee and Pocari Roo, we are making a new charity campaign that helps care for sick kitties, and find them good, loving homes.
Do you want to get this picture as poster in your room? Or do you want a plushie of Pocari Roo, or all of them!!? Check the campaign, support kitties, and get cool swag by Pocari and Paco Panda: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pocari-roo-saves-the...
About the picture. New York is a big city that has inspired me a lot: it smells so bad, buildings are huge, you can see lot of cultures together, and as the same I can enjoy nature landscapes, for some reason I enjoy a lot urban landscapes, there are always lot of history and stories in every corner, and especially NYC is full of easter eggs. What a better way to make look this city so bright and colorful than looking it from Central Park, surrounded by rescued kitties, and the blue roo playing with them.