Character Sheet for flannery the hedgehog
Character Description
It was later revealed that she chooses to follow a darker path in life (likely due to her past) and develops a relationship with Chiaro, preferring the "evil" version of brian to the virtuous real deal. This in part comes from the fact that Chiaro has no expectations of her other than to "have fun."
flannery is the leader of the Anti group and boy, does she show it. She's very demanding and bossy. She'll do anything or abuse anyone to get what she wants. She can also be very snarky and rude to most, calling them out on their flaws and laughing about it later. Though, for a evil hedgehog , she doesn't have a bad temper, she's actually very chill for the most part. Just shrugging things off and going on with her life.
Likes:Flirting, spying , making fun of others , be kind to children or adults ,her hair , herself, look good and be healthy / have good body, talk with the people important for she, when she has nothing to do likes to listen to regional Mexican music , likes Mexican costumes, sportswear , loves pizza , cucumber , and boys with powers of speed , fire or very smart , but mostly the bad guys.
Dislikes:brian and andrea and Ignite and Igneous