Original Stuff: https://www.deviantart.com/newstuff4u/art/Sentai-Holy-a... Holy and Flare in their respective sentai gear. I do enjoy doing more dynamic poses, I just dont get as much of a change to show them off as much. Lineart- NewStuff4U(DA) Flare- Buxom(DA) Colors-
Flare has Fans. Said fans write Fan Fiction. The "Flare Fan Force" Forums find the already existing fan-fictions to compile them into a greater meta-verse. Writers can then collab for the crossover specials.
Had a cute thought if Buxom's Dot wrote up the 'Mystic Force' version of Flare, where she has more Magic instead of Tech.
And Holy, having Flare's figure, doesn't want to cosplay OG Flare, or risk getting confused for her, so her cosplays are all based on the Fan-Fiction Uniforms.