FIGHTING STYLE: Acrobatic Brawling and Whipfighting
FIGHTING TECHNIQUES: Acrobatic Dodge, Block, Body Blow, Dodge, Eye Gouge, Groin Punch, Grab and Throw, Kidney Punch, Leg Sweep, Tackle, Whip Choke, Whip Disarm, Whip Slash, Whip Snap, Whip Trip
SUPERPOWERS: Attack Vector Analysis, Lightning Bolt (300m effective range, Rapid-Fire, 6m-wide Lightning Ball) , Lightning Fists, Rubber Body (25m max stretch, 2.5m max expansion, Slow Regeneration, Super Agility, Teleport (20m combat teleport, 40m max teleport range)
VITAL DATA: Max Lift (800kg), Max Throw Distance (10m), Run Speed (11 kph), Sprint Speed (22 kph), Long Jump (5m), High Jump (2.5m)
PERSONAL QUOTE: "I can't help but make this look easy, I'm the best!"
PERSONALITY: Leona is people-oriented and fun-loving, and makes things more fun for others by her enjoyment. She lives for the moment, and loves new experiences. She dislikes theory and impersonal analysis. She's interested in serving others, but prefers to be the center of attention in social situations. Though her impulsiveness tends to suppress it, she has a well-developed common sense and practicality.
Leona loves fight and being the center of attention. She's a natural show-off, and combined with her overconfidence makes her a flashy and flamboyant fighter. If someone challenges her, she's determined to win. She's a terrible tactician, and her battle plans usually involve a direct attack. She's fond of music, dancing and singing, which is a shame because her singing voice is terrible (despite her protests to the contrary). She's an incorrigible flirt, and loves taunting men with her beauty. Leona loves beer and ale, and she's a happy drunk when she indulges. She also likes anything with cheese, especially if it's warm and melted.
DISPOSITION: Leona is a hedonist, interested in fulfilling her desires and pursuing her interests. She has no respect for law and order, but she's not evil in that her desires aren't evil. She has too much of a conscience for that, but she's often indifferent to the feelings of others. She's more altruistic when dealing with those she cares about. Like all her teammates, she has little experience with "normal" life, and can be very naive at times (especially when it comes to personal relationships.