This is Bacchus (or Dionysus), my take on the Graeco-Roman god of pleasure, chaos and revelry (life itself). His sacred animals are big cats (leopards and panthers).
, who is a patron god of death, order and stillness.
Dionysus-Hades dichotomy is a symbolic representation of the opposites in this pantheon. Bacchus was also known as a chthonios (the underdweller)... Maybe because he had spent a portion of his life in the Underworld with his uncle, Hades. ;))
One of the better siblings and also a worthy rival! Worship-wise, of course. Though, I do not approve of how Dionysian Mysteries were pushed agains and forcibly replaced by the Apollonian cult.
Wait a minute... Why do you ask? Is that you, Apollo? ;D
One of the better siblings and also a worthy rival! Worship-wise, of course. Though, I do not approv