The harsh sound of a blown whistle cut through the clamour of the crowd, bringing the action surrounding him to a halt as he lay doubled over, eyes clenched shut and arms wrapped tight around his abdomen. He could remember sprinting forward to catch a pass from a teammate, and then a sudden, thunderous impact, one he could only liken to a collision with an out-of-control PeTra, that sent him crashing to the ground.
Sucking in a painful breath through gritted teeth, he opened his eyes to see a pair of studded sports shoes and legs of mismatched colour. Tilting his gaze upward, he met meaty thighs, wide hips and a soft, rounded belly, all clad in the green and white kit of the opposing high school's Tackle Toss team, the Midbourn Manta Rays. And then, at the top of the figure, violet eyes beneath a pointed bandana, peering down at him as she surveyed her handiwork with a confident smirk.
"Becky Lockridge," the bunny girl told him, extending a hand. He would have replied, had he had enough breath left in him to form any words at all. Taking her hand, he felt another blast of pain shooting through his torso as she hoisted him back to his feet quicker than he was ready for. "And don't worry," she added, "nobody gets up straight away."
With a nod to one another, he watched for a moment as Becky strode back onto the field wondering to himself how someone that short could be packing that amount of power. Returning to his position as the teams prepared to resume the game, he made a mental amendment to the rules of Tackle Toss as he saw them.
It's interesting and rare to see her so pleased with herself. We haven't seen this side of the Bex before, and it adds a dimension I've never considered.
But also. I can't stop lookin' at her big ol' bunny ass.From the front.
It's interesting and rare to see her so pleased with herself. We haven't seen this side of the Bex b
It's something she's good at, and people support her doing it! Most times she thinks the stuff she's good at, people don't want her doing, but Tackle Toss is a definite exception to that.
All that pizza's gotta end up somewhere, though.
It's something she's good at, and people support her doing it! Most times she thinks the stuff she's