Thanks to my buddy KingCrazy, I got some help with scripting the running and turning animations, as well as the camera-follow script ^^ The controls are more stable now. The animations could be improved a bit more. The colliders and rigidbody and physics aren't set yet, so the character will just clip through the level if I put him anywhere other than a flat floor, but when all that is taken care of, he will be ready for a small demo build. For now though, he can't do much more than what you see here, but as my scripting skills increase, Flo will be able to do much more. ^^
Thanks to my wonderful Game Tier Patrons for making all this possible!
This is looking really good so far! I like how you have the jumping mechanic movements and the crawling. I can't wait to try the demo and get a feel for this game, and best of all I hope that you could get it steam approved and be able to make some success with this game. ABDL games are not very often made and especially with non-human characters. Keep this up Overflo, you definitely are doing very well with this game so far I have enjoyed what I've seen!
This is looking really good so far! I like how you have the jumping mechanic movements and the crawl