oh my gosh so this is where tha resentment, the hate and rage, scar got it from this moment from a mean overbearing father to him and Mufasa that's why Mufasa was a much better father to simba and simba is to kiara and kion never be like this jerk.
oh my gosh so this is where tha resentment, the hate and rage, scar got it from this moment from a m
There's obviously nothing conclusive regarding the actual story between Ahadi and Uru, but if I'm not mistaken, Uru served as Queen as she was descended from Muhatu, not Ahadi. But hey, that's the joy's fo FF, you can design it however you like :P
There's obviously nothing conclusive regarding the actual story between Ahadi and Uru, but if I'm no
We all know that Ahadi was an asshole, Mufasa too and Simba just does not know that he has no right to judge his uncles actions . I hope Ahadi suffered a painful death
We all know that Ahadi was an asshole, Mufasa too and Simba just does not know that he has no right
Umm, that's how he was designed. If anything, the Animators (whom I love) are the assholes. I don't think anything was mentioned in the movie about him mistreating his brother. Infact, Scar is the one bringing it upon himself to be the asshole in regards to his behavior.
Umm, that's how he was designed. If anything, the Animators (whom I love) are the assholes. I don't
Well, sure, I get ya there. I just don't think that Mufasa really did anything to him. Its not really explained in the film why Scar is staying on the sort of "outskirts" of Pride Rock. Sure, Mufasa and him may have a bit of a rocky relationship, but I don't think he outright banished him or such.
Well, sure, I get ya there. I just don't think that Mufasa really did anything to him. Its not reall
There was another comic I enjoyed that played with this idea. Ahadi suspected that Uru was unfaithful, and that Taka wasn't his real son (hence the name, "Taka", which means "dirt", or "trash" in Swahili).
Anger and hate generally don't come from nowhere, so it's always interesting to see a glimpse into what made Scar into the villain he eventually became.
There was another comic I enjoyed that played with this idea. Ahadi suspected that Uru was unfaithf