This is it for issue 19, but issue 20 is ready to begin! Next Friday I'll reveal the cover, and the Wednesday after that we'll start with page 1! A massive 45+ page issue, the end of this trilogy and the culmination of many plot threads. BUT, and I saw this concern in the comments, don't worry - this is not even close to the end of this webcomic. There are many mysteries to reveal and solve, many stories to explore, exciting times and places to visit. Honestly, this comic is designed to last forever as I expand and explore the world, mythos, and wider universe, so don't you worry, there's LOTS to do and lots to see.
Wasn't there a song lyric decades ago about putting on a happy face? And this sort of answers one of my questions from the last two pages. Seriously though I owe you a bunch of comments, now that the family emergency is over.
Wasn't there a song lyric decades ago about putting on a happy face? And this sort of answers one of