Gift art surprise by the plushie Snow, which is super super embarassing ! Here is what he says about it :
Loupy was getting cranky. Daddy Lubu had given Snow a big list of errands, and that meant the bear had been taking him all over town. Even after all this time being seen in public dressed as a baby girl was so embarrassing. Being pushed around in a stroller made it even worse – being seated like that always exposed so much of his diaper to view!
Before they left home that morning he had asked Daddy if he could stay home with him. The dragon had refused the request, but as a treat told the wolf that he could choose where he had lunch. Loupy was excited by this, he so rarely allowed to pick things for himself.
When Snow had come to the door with the stroller he had noticed the bear wasn’t dressed in his usual Nanny-Maid uniform. Instead he wore a skirt and blouse. Stockings and the fact his skirt was too short to fully cover his diaper were the only things usual about how he was dressed. Snow also still got embarrassed about going out dressed as a girl, but the bears nature to obey meant he never complained or questions Master’s wishes. However, Snow had looked much more embarrassed about it than usual. The wolf had just assumed it was due to Daddy making him wear something he wasn’t used to.
Loupy’s stomach growled, he was cranky and hungry. “Nanny I’m hungry! It’s almost 2 o’clock, when are we stopping to eat?”
“Soon, we are almost done the list of errands. Another hour or two at most and then we can enjoy lunch at home” Snow replied.
Home? Oh no, the bear wasn’t depriving him of his opportunity to pick where they ate. “No! Not eating at home. Daddy said I get to choose where we eat, and I’m starving NOW. You aren’t going to disobey Daddy are you?”
“No, never … I’ll obey. Where do you want to have lunch?”
Loupy thought about it. He didn’t want to end up eating anywhere too fancy or healthy. He wanted some fast food, a hamburger would be great! The bear would no doubt buy him a kids meal, but maybe it would come with a nice toy.
“Can you take care of your last errands at the Mega Mall?” Loupy asked.
“The … the giant mall downtown? Yes we could, they have everything I …”
“Then we eat at the food court there!”
“The Mega Mall food court! Wouldn’t you prefer to eat at home? … Please? … Think of how many people will see you at that big mall” Snow replied.
Hungry, and made more cranky by the bear still trying to get them to eat at home, he didn’t notice how nervous Snow sounded.
“Yes that food court. Now obey Daddy and lets go eat”.
Shortly later they arrived at the mall. As Snow wheeled the stroller through the food court Loupy looked at all the things they could eat. But instead of going to the food stalls Snow took them to some benches in the center of the food court. There he stopped, unbuckled the wolf and lifted him out of the stroller.
Loupy was surprised when Snow unexpectedly sat down on a bench and lay him partially across his lap. Even more surprising was when the bear unbuttoned his blouse and revealed the artificial feeding breasts he was wearing like a bra. The stunned wolf looked up to ask the Bear what he was doing and saw that Snow was blushing even more than himself.
“Your Daddy told me I had to let you pick WHERE you ate lunch today, but Daddy already picked WHAT you would be eating and HOW I was to feed you. Now start drinking your milk and please be quick … at least you don’t have to see how many people are staring at us!”
Loupy buried his face in Snows chest and suckled for his lunch.
All over the food court Snow could see dozens of furs taking pictures and videos of them with their phones. Just because this sort of thing was legal in this town didn’t make it any less an embarrassing spectacle.
“The things I’ll do to care for Princess and make Master happy” he thought, as the embarrassed bear tried to act like nothing was out of the ordinary.