Originally Submitted to FurAffinity.net on Jul 3rd, 2018 01:51 PM.
The Ugly Cry!
That moment when you're either so fueled by a 'bout of the feels that you can't contain the tears any longer, or when you're so overcome by joy after what you thought was a horrible event has actually turned out for the good for you! One way or the other, you're sitting there a crying, bawling, sobbing mess and either overjoyed or horribly scared, you're gonna make a face.
I find it funny because firetally has called it that look when "Your favorite Novella character has just died."
My reply was, "It's the kind of cry you have when you realize someone truly, really likes you for who you are despite years of fearing against that being possible."
X3... Like, take all the psych study you want out of those reactions.