Good question! Mujo came into creation as just an entity. Over time is when he developed a physical form. Throughout watching the development of species and life around him, He slowly began to grasp and craft a physical form! Beginning as just a wispy, four legged transparent shape. Eventually, he came to looks just as the feral vernid he is, now! Had he had more exposure to creatures like homosapiens, earlier in those stages, he could've even developed some sort of human-esque form instead!. Because he aged in desolate wilds around predator and prey alike, his very first physical form was that of a fully grown animal.
Now, like i said, it began with a shape. Think of if you could mold weightless fog in a similar way that you can mold clay. That's sort of how he came to be. Just as all species evolved, he went through a similar process! Upon mastering the ability of shaping his form, He gained the ability to both reduce and progress the age of his form. The physical vernid itself is all just a cloak. He is still, in essence, an entity. He ages with time, just as the river ages and changes through time. But he will always just be Mujo, The Spirit of The River.
Hope that gives you some insight on his particular lore :3
Good question! Mujo came into creation as just an entity. Over time is when he developed a physical
Indeed it does ! But beware, for i am a lore eater. The more you tell, the more i will ask XD
That being said, have 2 other questions : does he control his physical for from the inside like us or from the outside, a little like a puppet with invisible string ? and linked to that question, does he feel the physical world like us ?
I mean, i guess as a spirit he have more sens than a human but in the "puppet" case he might be lacking some quality in the physical ones (do i make sens ?) ^^
Indeed it does ! But beware, for i am a lore eater. The more you tell, the more i will ask XD That
So, for your first question, Mujo controls it like a costume, so, from the inside. In a sort of morbid way, the physical form is a husk, build around himself with constructed processing organs and muscle, all formed from his very essence. That being said, should his form be harmed, it would carry such a wound until he over time reconstructed it. Which, would be much faster than typical healing. Momentarily skipping back to the notion of his form being constructed and moulded like clay, a small wound can be easily repaired, as if a split in a circular layer of clay. Simple thorough kneading required in order to mend what was broken.
Secondly, he does feel some extent of pain, and loosely, the world as we would. Because he is an entity, he has little concept of weight, and just about no weight himself. But in forming a solid bodily shape, he gains a bit of mass. Regardless of which form is in use, he is ultimately much lighter than one would expect him to be. Of course, this aids in both the manoeuvrability of the form, etc. Because he is an entity, and will always only ever be one at his core, gravity has few to no bounds on him, therefore he must replicate matter in which gravity does good reign over in order to construct forms which are feasible to others. He is able to experience the world as well as his form may, essentially.
His entity, his spirit, is spread out through these physical forms as though roots would in soil, although much more expansive, giving him opportunity to experience his surroundings in only a very slightly dulled fashion in comparison to mortals. But he does have all of the workings of organs, etc, with these forms. Very complicated to explain. As complex as any average life form, whilst still possessing the “limitless” features only a spirit may.
So, for your first question, Mujo controls it like a costume, so, from the inside. In a sort of morb
You’d be correct! I’m a big nerd for the ATLA universes sort of the inspiration for his entire design, really. The element of water! His very name means “impermanence” in Japanese, because water is the element of change xP
You’d be correct! I’m a big nerd for the ATLA universes sort of the inspiration for his entire desig