"Mom, do you seriously have a snake in your boobs?" Maxxi asked as they sat down for dinner, which was as Laria said: authentic Australian steak. She had grilled it almost to a perfect crisp and added nutmeg, garlic, basil and rosemary to it. Leon, being one to inhaling any steak, hesitated at first, actually cutting a little bit off to test.
"Salem need heat, honey, and where else can you get more heat then there?" Larai asked, picked a peice of meat off and holding it over her breasts, a small snake head came out and snatched it before sinking back in.
"Int that dangerous?" Maxxi wondered aloud.
"He's a corn snack, Maxxi, harmless."
"What happened to Gorden? That python from when I was a little kid?" Laria smiled and stood up, slapping her hand onm her waist over a beautiful snack skin belt.
"Didn't want him to leave, so, I made use of 'im." Laria chuckled. Maxxi laughed, his mother will never change, she'll be wrestling aligators to make new high heels when she's on her death bed. Coco leaned over and nudged Maxxi, faking that she was sad she hadn't gotten attention. Maxxi reached up and stroked ehr hair, which she had straightened and now reached her knees. When she did it right, ehr hair felt like silk.
"LAria, is there anything you can not do?" Jazz asked, chuckling.
"I can not miss a single sale, if it's cute and sexy, I must have it." Laria said, gazing down at her new tube top, that was threatening to split at the seams. Leon had managed to keep his mind and eyes on teh steak. Coco HAD to get this recipe!!!
"Maxxi, remember~" Coco purred.
"I remember.." Maxxi said smiling at her. He had promised that he would actually make her a surfboard and teach her alittle.
"Maxxi, I like Coco." aria declared.
"Um..thanks mom."
"When will you two give me a grandchild?"
"I'm just saying, you two are so cute together, make a baby already!" Laria giggled, bouncing happily, those basketball breasts bouncing wildly, Ratchet was hypnotized by them.
"Mom, I'm not ready for a kid, and I don't think Coco is either, just wait, one day you'll get one." Maxxi said, laughing nervously. Laria stared at him, almost a glare, then, bounced back to ehr giggly self. Coco was blushing and was putting peice after peice of shrimp in her mouth to avoid talking. Maxxi sighed, he would have to talk to her tonight.
Throughout dinner, everyone made small talk about whatever, every now and then, Maxxi spied Ratchets arm move to his mothers thigh, which made Laria giggle like mad.
Yuck it up, dingo, Maxxi thought, tonight, I'll have your balls on a silver platter.
Leon ended up asking for Five helpings, which Laria happily gave him. After dinner, everyone went off in the house, Laria and Coco stayed together.
"Laria, I bought some henna!" Coco said, pulling out ten tubes of the permenant fake ink. Laria gazed happily.
"Are you any good?" She asked.
"I'm teh best~" Coco assured.
"Can you give me a sun, right here on my lower back?" Laria asked, turning and indicating her middle back.
"Sure!" COco said. Laria and her giggled all the way up to her room where Coco started carefully applying the brown substance.
"Mom?" Maxxi called from his room.
"Yes, hun?"
"What;s that smell?"
"Henna, want some?" Laria called back.
"No thanks."
"I'LL HAVE SOME!" Leon called.
"Then come in here, Coco's pretty good."
Leon walked in a sat ina plush chair by Laria's bed and watched Coco dab teh brown stff on Larias back.
"What design would you like?" Coco asked.
"Um...can I get somethjing cool going around my arm, here?" Leon asked, tapping his bicep. Coco nodded and finished with Laria, "let that dry then you can just wipe it off." Coco said before going to Leon. She had him raise his arm as she dabbed and draw some lines around his arm. She added some intricate leaf designs and some tribal markings. "How's that?" she asked.
"PERFECT!" Leon smiled. Laria was now rubbing the dried stuff of her back.
"Hows it look?" Laria asked, turning to they could see."
"Damn, Coco, that's really good." Leon said. Coco blushed and smiled.
"Lets draw a penis on Maxxi's face!" Laria giggled, "kidding!" She said when Leon and Coco looked at her.
Laria and the guys belong to :iconShadowTH22:
Coco is mine
13 years ago
10 Jan 2012 19:54 CET
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