Mommy wanted to play shop (a joke I made because of her irl job) and I was all "sound fun !". But then I discovered I was to play a baby and mommy would be playing but the seller and the buyer... So I got stuck in a stroller, and watched her switch from one role to another and tease me as the adorable baby in both ! This is no fun at all ! Huff huff !
So, mommy and I are preparing a trip to Canada in September, and she teased me about the babyish swimsuit I got (mommy has teased me about one piece swimsuit for years, nearly a decade, and our two or three previous attempts failed because none would fit me) which will be waiting for me in Canada (no need to pay shipping when I can go pick it up in a few months and got no use of it right now). She said they would take out the kiddy pool and fills it to have me splash around in it in my swim diaper and adult water wings... HUFF ! I dreamed about that last night, I was so blushing !