Steel is the first born brought into the world by the fallen hero Superman. And just like his fallen father he was born with impenetrable scales which no weapon or beam could cut through. He love to challenge people to a fight and not tell them about his greatest defense just to watch them squirm before he decides how to bring their worthless life to an end.
As you can see his weapon of choice is a steel beam. Which was his favorite toy when he was a baby. He called it Steely and still does even now.
His galactic bankai is one no one can see coming since it'll be over the minute he uses it. He prefers to use it on someone more worthy then a low level fighter. The only way to find that person is if they are able to give him a scare on his scales of steel.
Speaking about his scales if the sun light hits his scales just right they'll give off a bright glow which can blind enemies.
{1.} "Consider yourself lucky I crushed your bones but I let you live." {2.} "Keep it up and I'll end you in one move." {3.} "They say I'm the nice one of the family." {4.} "It's hard talking shit when your eating cement." {5.} "Is this all you heroes have to offer? I'm very disappointed." {6.} "Sorry but Steely here just wanted to feel your brains on his skin." {7.} "Buford Van Stomm? I think I'll remember that name. As I'm pissing on it standing over your grave."