Kelleia is a river otter that live in colony outside the seaport city of Salemburg.
Otter folk live in small colonies along the river ways, like In valley's, forest, even near ports and towns that rivers flow threw. Though there sometimes called "Riverrats" by some townsfolk cause they do have a habit stealing supplies from river towns and ports. Or "Fishdogs" causes when some go looking for work in the towns. They're usually shrub into the docking areas. And work like slaves by shipping barons.
Most of them that do work in the docks, work in slave like conditions. They do get payed at times, but depending on where and who they are working for. It can mean the difference between food for the next day, or starvation.
Some Otterfolk form or turn to smuggling gangs, to help get supplies, but these can be just as dangerous.
Otterfolk colonies tend to keep the male and females in camps separated. Usually a mile or two up or down river. And are only allow to mate with one another when there breeding season comes. In there Elders eyes, this keeps the females safe and pure, from the more rowdy males. But this has the opposite effect. Females stay close to there camps and rarely leave them, unless they foraging of food or finding stuff washed up on the river banks. Male are most commonly seen hunting in or around the rivers, or working in towns.
But this separation has the opposite effect. Females otterfolk are homosexual. And tend to be more homosexual, than males.
The reason why female Otterfolk tend be more homosexual then males is because they are more isolated, then they are. While males have hard lives, they have the luxury of seeing and meeting other people, even other Otterfolk from other colonies. Some females move into the cities like the males, but often work in tavens, or selling there wears, like fish oysters, berries, herbs, etc. It's just as common, but there not as numerous as there male brethren
While homosexuality is more common in female camps, its just as frown upon. Most see it as either playful bonding when there younger. Others as venting sexual frustration. The rarer more permanent, but partners usually keep there relationship a secret.
5 years, 9 months ago
02 Jun 2019 03:49 CEST
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