I took a migraine induced stroll and saw many many pretties and made new critter friends such as bats, duckos and a frenly raven. T'was walk of magnificence. =v= Too bad hubbo stayed home n worked. =n= Srsly dood, come walk with your wife. The fuck. BY Character's da Fuf, dun use n shiz Art by me
THE SKY WAS FUKKEN PRETTEH DAWG 8U I want to draw every phase of it. The darkness with the bats flying around me. The gothic redness as the sun peeked over the rooftops. The cold yet pastel rainbow over the lake. The intense warmth over the trees with the crows.
Nature is goddamn beautiful. 8Y
THE SKY WAS FUKKEN PRETTEH DAWG 8U I want to draw every phase of it. The darkness with the bats flyi