Gift art by Nelson and Victor, based on another silly dream of mine. Thanks to them again.
My super smart plan worked. I lured Lubu and Snow into a false sense of security. They switched me from straightjackets to mittens and cuffs. I was by myself enough I could sneak up, and now, I have the key ! The key to those cuffs and my chastity belt ! I can finally be free ! All I have to do is get it into my cuffs and I'll be able to run away... but getting the key into the padlock with mittens on is proving a lot more difficult that I expected it to be... I better hurry before they notices I'm missing.. please... not drop the key... it need to work !
I leave to you to imagine what happens next...
I have a lot of silly dreams. Last night I dreamed I was a padded investigator on a case of a mysterious disparition. Pretty silly to be an adult wolf in diaper doing a real investigation with criminals with guns... I had plenty of such dreams, one led to this irl picture (no diaper visible : ). I also had one in which in the Paw Patroller, I didn't got a seat but I was left in a playpen during the briefing... huff huff ! Another one was baby princess me being told by the baby dragon Tacki he could smell my princess odor because that a thing dragon do and I couldn't deny I was a princess ! Huff !