Attempting to put more art in my gallery here. This is a little concept of “monsters from objects” that I’ve been playing around with for a while, and I hope you Pokémon fans out there like it!
Explanation time!
When a Pokémon is subjected to Mega Evolution, more often than not, it overwhelms them with overflowing power, changing them into near-unstable animals. But, some people are able to tap into the power of Mega Stones to go a step further. When a Pokémon holding a Mega Stone is defeated in combat, the stone can be taken away and corrupted at the call of, “(insert name of Mega Stone here), take back the power you supplied and more!” The life energy of both Pokémon and Trainer is then drained from their bodies and absorbed into the stone, reducing them to lifeless corpses and creating a wild, raging berserker beast called a Marble. Marbles are extremely unstable and answer to no one, so creating one is a double-edged sword. However, if one manages to defeat a Marble, the energy taken from the Pokémon and Trainer returns to them and revives them, but the Mega Stone shatters into dust, making Mega Evolution impossible for them.
List of Marbles
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Venusaur Marble: A quadrupedal beast created from a corrupted Venusaurite. It uses the massive vegetation on its body in various ways to attack, including (but possibly not limited to) petal storms from the flowers on its legs, leaves and vines from its palm tree arms, and its ultimate weapon: a solar-powered energy cannon, which is its central head flower.
Blastoise Marble: A sentient turtle shell created from a corrupted Blastoisite. Other than the small cannons from its support shells, each facet of the top of the main shell is a hatch that stores more cannons inside.
Charizard Marble: A black, flaming dragon created from a corrupted Charizardite X and Charizardite Y, one of the rare cases in which a Marble is created from two Mega Stones. As such, it is able to utilize dual-colored flames from the carbon dioxide and oxygen, and can fly at speeds high enough to create destructive sonic booms.
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Beedrill Marble: A queen hornet created from a corrupted Beedrilite. As well as its intimidating, large size, it utilizes its seven stingers which each contain a different poison, with the most potent inside its massive tail. But its most powerful weapon is when it pivots its abdomen in front of its thorax, changing into a missile that combines all of its poisons to cause near-instant death.
Pidgeot Marble: A majestic bird created from a corrupted Pidgeotite. With its massive wings and breakneck flying speed, it is capable of reaching Mach 3, and can cause massive windstorms, making it very challenging to engage in combat, let alone defeat.
Alakazam Marble: A wizen sage created from a corrupted Alakazite. With its incredible brain operating at 100% nonstop, it is able to perceive anything in all of existence, from its beginning to its end. As such, its psychic powers have enabled it to defend itself from any and all forces against it in many ways, from simple persuasion to instant silencing.
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Slowbro Marble: A giant seashell monster created from a corrupted Slowbronite. Its insides are filled with the inspirational toxins that the assimilated Slowpoke swims in, acting as its brain and giving it untold psychic abilities. Coupled with its unbreakable exterior, this makes it one of the most unstoppable Marbles yet.
Gengar Marble: A shadowy demon created from a corrupted Gengarite. Using the dark portals generated from the eyeballs on its forehead and hands, it is able to pass through to and absorb life force from multiple dimensions at a time. It also uses the portals as self-defense by passing projectile attacks to other locations... usually into situations that can end in disaster.
Kangaskhan Marble: An adult kangaroo created from a corrupted Kangaskhanite. It has been fully matured into complete adulthood, and as such, has cut off ties with its parent. However, due to the massive influx of resulting hormones, it rampages constantly with zero regard for others.
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Pinsir Marble: A bladed stag beetle created from a corrupted Pinsirite. It is driven by a constant desire to shred anything and everything it comes across, and any part of its body can be a blade; its bear trap-like horns, its hand-and-wrist claws, its fangs, its wings, its extendable wing-cover blades, even its feet. Plus, the rage it always feels can be converted into heat energy, eliminating its weakness to cold areas.
Gyarados Marble: A horrible sea monster created from a corrupted Gyaradosite. It is always consumed with furious rage, and lashes out at anything that breathes. Its unstable wrath augments all of its attacks with white-hot energy, earning it the title of “The Harbinger of Hell.”
Aerodactyl Marble: An avian golem created from a corrupted Aerodactylite. Its body is composed entirely of stone, making it resilient to most attacks. Unfortunately, the weight of its own body makes it incapable of flying, as well as reduces its movement speed.
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Mewtwo Marble: A reverse-bioengineered creature created from a corrupted Mewtwonite X and Mewtwonite Y, one of the rare cases in which a Marble is created from two Mega Stones. As such, psychic energy courses throughout its entire body, augmenting it with both remarkable physical strength and intelligence and making it the bastion of perfection it is destined to be.
And we’re done with Gen 1! To conserve the character limit on these descriptions, I will be starting a new set on a separate submission.
Expect more of these to come!
All characters and copyrights belong to their respective owners
5 years, 9 months ago
23 May 2019 17:22 CEST
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