This is Loka And Tola, from my little comic book series, Arkuatica. There are 7 comics available to date. This is the second poster, from the comic, 'Rich In Omega 3'. Loka, is probably the most 'grown up', of the bunch. He's usually the first to make a level-headed decision, when things get serious. Tola, is the most happy-go-lucky. Often cheerfully unconcerned, until concerns come his way, then he's often the most worried. He doesn't want for much, and prefers to stay in, or around the reef, but he'll go along with his friends, without complaint.
For anyone wanting to get subscribed, to get issue 2 within the day, and the rest, with each new month, here's a link to my Patreon; Alternatively if you just want to the comics standalone join the Arkuatica comic Patreon