Charmy's body was punched so hard that the rest of what he was wearing aside from his underwear and the remains of his right sock, flew off his body and scattered to the wind. Charmy landed in a heap against the ropes, slumped there in a derpy daze, out cold but still showing off his glazed over eyes to the excited crowd.
"He's got spunk. I'll give him that." Bradley said, looking over Charmy's undies. "... How embarrassing though."
Cream heard the bell. That was the signal they needed. The match was over. Bradley had officially won.
As Bradley picked his boxing gloves back up and raised his fist to victory over the crowd's cheers, Cream wandered on over to Charmy and smiled.
"You did great." Cream said, sounding warm and supportive. "I'll catch you later when you wake up. Let me fix some of those bruises for you though."
Bradley smiled as he watched her add a few patches of band-aids to Charmy while he was slumped against the ropes like a life-less doll. She couldn't do anything about the purple shiner on his left eye though. When she was done she patted him on the head. "Also, don't worry. I think your big butt is cute."
"Cweeeeaaammm...?" Charmy moaned as he saw stars and planets circle around his head. He was day-dreaming something nice again.
This happened while Cream skipped back over to Bradley. "We can go now."
"Sure, sure. Just give me a minute." Bradley nodded. "I've gotta get my stuff from the locker-room. Head to the lobby."
Cream nodded and skipped off, ready for a fun time.
Bradley grinned at Charmy when she left. "Aww~! She thinks your butt is cute. Like an older sister to a baby."
"Bababaaboo..." Charmy began drooling onto himself, way out of it.
"That reminds me. You said that the loser was the actual baby. It's time you lived up to that." He smirked as he approached the young boy. "Maybe wearing something a little more appropriate for a baby will make you realize the way you've been acting."
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As Charmy knows he was to reportedly seen Saturn along with stars when cream likely got the best view of MLP themed panties worn by charmy featuring the mane six plus spike.
As Charmy knows he was to reportedly seen Saturn along with stars when cream likely got the best vie
It is not necessary. I explain to you. Superbunnygt. He was a cartoonist on this page. In whose fanart. I put sonic and occasionally other characters. Humiliating characters that were not to your liking. Unfortunately one of the humiliated characters was Tails and the annoying fans soon intervened forcing him to retire.
It is not necessary. I explain to you. Superbunnygt. He was a cartoonist on this page. In whose fana
If I personally did not like him to humiliate Tails. But I did like it when I humiliated idotas like Scourge or Mina's boyfriend whose name I never remember.
If I personally did not like him to humiliate Tails. But I did like it when I humiliated idotas like