It's no secret to anyone in Oseille that Fiachra has a tremendous crush on Ciara. Unfortunately, by the time he got up the nerve to tell her how he felt, Ciara had already fallen for Niamh instead. The two girls were inseparable, so it was really no surprise for them to end up together. Fiachra was disappointed of course, but there has never been any doubt that Ciara and Niamh love each other deeply and, like any good brother, Fiachra was pleased to see his sister so happy. More recently, Ciara and Niamh were married, which makes Ciara Fiachra's sister, too, after a fashion. This is the first time in memory a fox has married into a rabbit family, and it put the whole city into an uproar, but as far as Fiachra is concerned he couldn't be prouder to have a sister like Ciara.