This is Fisk and Juno, from my little comic book series, called Arkuatica. There are 7 comics available, to date, and this poster, is taken from the comic, 'Rich In Omega 3'.
Fisk, is a little head strong, in that he'll always be first to dive head first into a fight, to defend his friends or the reef. He thinks he can deal with anyone, but he's usually out of his depth on those occasions. He seems to like Juno, the most. Juno, used to be a human, but was transformed into this Glaucus Atlanticus nudibranch mer, by the other mers of the reef, because they were worried that he might go and tell everyone about their existence. He doesn't look concerned about it though. In truth he loves his new life in the reef. Anyway, that all happens in Issue 1, which is available to read, or download here;