Project Bomberman was one of my most played Games i created - and also one which got most requested for a sequal.
Well then, here it is~
Project Bomberman 2 pretty much fixes everything and makes everything better the first game had already. This time, i also add some of the classic Bomberman Rules (ala NES Bomberman) and 30 Levels in total.
Sadly, it was NOT able to run viva browser that you actually have to download the game. does this makes it any more bad? Of course not! Coz now you can actually play it now in full window mode. ^^
Controls (Default): Arrow Keys - Moving Bomberman Space - Place Bomb X - Detonator explode all bombs at ones (IF active)
10 Powerups: -- Bomb Up -- Fire Up -- Speed Up -- Detonator -- Kick -- Wall Pass -- Heart (which replaces the west now) -- Spike Bombs -- Extra Time -- 1 Up
Game Changes (Next to PB1) - Some of them are insider changes:
PB2 is build -WITHOUT- base (PB1 was also build without base but i said that here coz PB2 is "basicly" its sequal) from ground up 30 Levels in total Timer which is actually now a REAL timer, not "just for bonus" -- You have 5 min time for each Level before new enemys will spawn and making it harder to get out of the level exit -- If the timer runs really out, 8 enemys will spawn and hunt you. the exit will (re)open as soon as you destroyed those (again). "Get ready" screen + jingle~ (AKA "loading screen") Easier to read - Manual section -- Add rules from the classic NES Bomberman like hidden exit & level timer Own Highscore section (In PB1 it was on the titlescreen) Better Hud & working powerups overall -- West powerup got replaced with heart powerup (it felt way to strong already in PB1) -- 1 Ups now drop viva powerup system and not after each level -- Kicked bombs actually bounce and stop if they they collide with another bomb -- Powerups CAN be destroyed from bombs so becareful! (bigger and)Better Sprites, DUH~ Smoother (and better) animation -- Bomb explosion actually now LOOK like a classic "explosion" (and not like a flying shooty thingy...) AND stays for some miliseconds (dont run into it! :P) Smoother Movement -- "No more stuck on a bomb" bug fix -- easier to walk around blocks Better "grid" system -- Bomb placement now in favor of Bombermans actual direction (which makes bomb placementa whole lot easier, trust me) -- "Active" & "Passive" Grids - no more able to place a bomb on top of another bomb or like -- Walls actually use the grid system now, activly Way better Scan & Spawner System -- Wallspawner rate is 37% (in PB1 it was 50%) which sounds odd in the first place (%- wise) but trust me, its more than enough... -- Spawns 4 Powerups only random on the level viva own Spawner (in PB1 it was out of random chances. Next to this you could get way to early on way to powerful) -- Own spawner for Exit (PB1 didnt had a exit, the level just ended after all enemys were destroyed) -- a "Spawn Blocker" prevents monsters to spawn way to close to bombermans start point (about 4-7 tiles?) 8 enemys -- Better "IQ" system -- Better "hunting bomberman" system