Hades sinks into a world of fantasies, but is rudely disturbed as he's getting to the good part. :T
The lyrics were written by my friend MorphineFangs, because his handwriting is so much better than mine! The romcom montage, aka the fantasy delusions, were suggested by my co-writer!
Hey babes! If you like the comic, please consider supporting it on patreon! This will give me more time to concentrate on the comic! Right now I'm trying to get 2-3 pages a week done for patreon, if not 4, so all the support would be very much appreciated!! https://www.patreon.com/ninniearts
Will they fall in love? Will they make peace and nookie? Will Cherry's tendrils leave stains on that white fabric? Stay tuned for further updates! (Yeah I watched a lot of the old cartoons TV shows growing up.)
Will they fall in love? Will they make peace and nookie? Will Cherry's tendrils leave stains on that