He loves socks.
Weasels like to steal things. The oddest things, in particular. When I had ferrets, they'd steal and hide my socks. I'd find piles of my lost socks hidden behind dresses, couches, hutches, anything they could get behind.
Damian isn't too proud of his obsession. But boy, if you bring him a new pair of socks. . . Well, he turns into this. X3 Kinda scary when I think about it, cuz of how he truly is. <.< Which no one else knows about. So yay, an inside joke that only I am a part of, whee! =B
One of my New Years resolutions is to sketch at least 1 thing each day, and upload it. Even if it's crap, they'll all probably end up in the scraps anyhow~ But yeh. I don't draw enough, and at least this way I'm getting in some practice and stuff.~
13 years ago
01 Jan 2012 22:18 CET
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