So I've decided to also take character reference sheets as commissions too. Unlike regular commissions though, I'm gonna be taking these one at a time since it can be a bit of a hassle when working on these for my own characters and getting the details right for a client might be time consuming. So when you want to request me for a ref sheet, giving me the info should be similar to regular commissions by providing a visual reference if you can and a short bio of the character. Prices will always start at $20 and will increase up to $30 based on the complexity of the character. Other optional details such as wearables, shading, emotes, or other poses will come with an additional fee as well. That should be about it in terms of info and how I'll be handling this. If you have any other questions about this or commissions in general, feel free to ask me.
Additional Notes: * If the character you're requesting is someone new where I'm designing it for you (a.k.a. you can't provide a visual reference), the base price will be at $30, no matter the complexity of the character. * These commissions also follow my Will/Won't Draw list also. So please keep that in mind before asking me. (Including No NSFW. Please do not ask. I will not do it no matter what.)