"Why have you normalized this, this aggression, this violence upon yourself?"
They towered over the small figure who swayed in the warm wind.
"Why are you so determined to see the worst in yourself and then reject any redemption?"
The figure did not answer. Only danced to the strange rhythm.
"You have not made it this far because you were overcome by your fears and hate..."
The circles grew.
"..There has to be more for you than this purgatory, this irredeemable state of punishment. This circle and wheel you have crafted without end."
Among their arms and form was littered the markings of shackles, of binds.
"The worst of us are no less capable, no less human...not even you."
They could keep doing this for however long they pleased. They had all the time in the world.
"You are worth continued aspirations, you are worthy of longing, of yearning and flourishing. Of breaking the circle and escaping the prosecution of your wheel."